Chapter Thirteen: Good Catch

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Claire's POV

I get ready to go meet Soren for lunch. When he called I was sitting with Jules. We weren't doing much. He hid it well, but when I pulled my phone and: Soren, flashed up, he tensed. I ignored it and answered, "Hello?"


"Yah..." I'm still wary of him.

"It's Soren."

I look at Jules, his jaw is tight as he listens to what I'm saying intently. I figure its best to say it bluntly. "Okay... Soren, you know I don't like you. Right?" I watch Jules, his jaw goes slack in disbelief.

"Yes. But we can still hang out. Right?" He says hopefully.

"Um. Sure. Why? What did you have in mind?" I ask. Julian tenses again as if he thinks Soren will reply with, 'Maybe a hotel room, dinner...' I roll my eyes at that thought and at Jules.


"Sure." He hangs up.

I turn to Jules and ask, "Why so tense?"

"What did he want?" Jules snaps coldly. I put my hands on my hips and say,

"He asked if we could be friends, and go out to lunch."

"What'd you say?"

"Yes." I roll my eyes again, wondering where his ears had been when I was on the phone. How tense he was before was nothing compared to now. "What is wrong?" I demand.

"You're gonna be friends with the guy who first saved you from getting raped, then broke your face?" He sneered.

"Are you jealous... Or angry? Cause I can't really tell."

"You said you don't like him, but I don't know whether or not to believe that. I'm really not sure." He stands up and starts to say more... But stops himself, and closes his mouth. He drops the hand he had palm up and drags his other hand through his blond hair. "I'm not feeling well. I'm gonna go lie down. You do whatever you want." And with that he goes off to his room, shutting the door forcefully.

"Okay then... Mr. Petty pants." I sing before going off to get ready. Someone has an attitude today.


I meet Soren. We have a nice lunch with small talk in between. Very relaxing. I tell him about Julian and how he might be sick, and he comforts me. He hugs me and we sit there.

My phone chimes and I answer.

"Hello?" I answer cheerfully, yet warily when the caller ID reads: Julian. My eyes widen when I hear his voice. Instead of his usual greeting, he sounds strained and in pain,

"Claire... Can you meet me at the ER?" He chokes out in short, cut-off words.

"Yes. Yes of course, I'll be there!" Is all I can say. I hang up and grab my stuff before I exchange quick goodbyes with Soren. Then I just run through the rain, praying to god he's ok.


I run to the desk and say, "Is there a Julian Reynolds here?" The woman there senses my panic and says,

"Umm... Yes, there is. You can't see him right now, he's in surgery." I... I... that took me off guard.
"But I can get you a towel..." She looks at my soaked state and leads me to the waiting room. She sits me down and puts a warm blanket around me. I pull my hand through my hair before looking up. "Do you know anything? Anything at all on how he is? Why he's here?" She shakes her head and I groan. I think about what I'd do if he was sick. He's my only family now. And I'd do anything to trade places with him. "Tell me when you know anything." I tell her and she nods. I sit in silence, rocking back and forth on my heels, wanting to sleep but fighting it since there might be news.

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