Chapter Seventeen:Crossing the threshhold

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Claire's POV

We walk arm in arm back to the penthouse. The elevator rises up to the top and stops. I make to step out, but then I get scooped up off my feet. I squeak, "Jules! What're you doing?"

"I have to carry you over the threshold." He explains with a shrug.

"We aren't married."

"Oh fine. But you're moving in, so... Whatever." He rolls his eyes and I laugh. He carries me up the stairs and I say,

"I can walk."

"I know. But you're so light and tiny!" I laugh and when we reach the top of the stairs he sets me down. "Choose a room." He whispers, wrapping his arms around my waist. I twist around and say,

"Well, which ones are empty?"

"Go look." He lets me go and I walk to the first door on the left and wrap my hand around the cold, silver doorknob. I turn it and walk into the room. There are windows straight across with a seat. A bed takes up the middle of the room, a table sits next to the bed. Simple.

I shut the door and walk across the hall to the first door on the right. I open the door and see dark furnishings. Theres a wardrobe, a king-size bed, a side table, and an intricate carpet on the floor. The drapes are pulled aside. I notice a picture on the table and pick it up. Depicted there is a man and a woman. They stand in front of Big Ben with smiles on their faces that soon spread to me.

"Who are they?"

"My parents."

"They look lovely together." I stroke the golden frame before setting it down quietly. I step out and Julian closes the door behind me. I go for the last room on this side of the hall and open it.

Light flows everywhere off the turquoise walls. A beautiful vanity in light colored wood sits opposite the bed with the rose painted headboard. A big window with a pink seat has shelves underneath it filled with books. The dresser stands empty. I walk around and take in the essence. "It's beautiful." I whisper. It's airy and carefree.

"Which is why its yours." Jules says from behind me. I turn and he smirks at me.

"I've never really had a bed before. Let alone something beautiful. I can't."

"Where did you sleep?"

"On a couch."

"Well, now you have a bed." I open my mouth to protest, but he says,

"One last room." He pulls me along and stands to to side, leaning on the doorjamb of the last room. Crossing his arms and nodding to the knob. I push the door open and gasp when I see it. My hand flies to my mouth, I look at his amused expression.

Mirrors plate two of the four walls in the huge room. For the other two walls, one has barres all the way across, and the last wall painted. Words in elegant cursive flow on any open wall space. I move across the hardwood floors in awe. I run my fingers over the walls and read the inscriptions. Quotes. Everywhere. My eyes huge, I turn around and stare at Jules with my hand still on the wall. I say,

"You have a studio?" He laughs and says,


"In your house?"

"Yeah..." I scoff at how casual he is.

" 'Yeah...' Ok. Now tell me..." He crosses his arms and purses his lips as he waits for me to continue. "Where's the bowling alley?" He drops his head and shakes it,

"Back in England." My mouth falls open and he chuckles, "I'm kidding." I laugh and he walks over to me. He kisses me and I smile. His hand hits my rib and I winch. The splitting pain runs through my bones. His eyes look tortured,

"I hurt you."

"It's fine. I'm used to it. It's not your fault."

"You shouldn't be. You shouldn't have to be used to any kind of pain. And me- I never even noticed." He shakes his head and scoffs at himself."

"It was not you. I know his logic. He said he wanted me to feel pain. A slow death. He once told me that he starved me and hurt me where no one would notice. Mental, Emotional, strategically placed physical... Convincing me no one would ever love me, that I was filth to be discarded." My voice breaks.

"I'll kill him." He growls through gritted teeth.

"Why?!" I say in surprise.

"Because he hurt someone I care about. Come on."


"Anywhere you want. What do you feel like eating?"

"Food." He gives me a look and I say, "Ok...You choose! Anyways... It's 1 in the morning. We can wait till morning."

"Fine..." He grumbles at my logic

"Go to sleep! I'll still be here in six hours! Good night." I tell him. I go to my door and he says,

"Sweet dreams, love."


Julian's POV

I sleep comfortably.

I dream I've fallen in a field full of billowing heather and wild flowers. Rivers cross through rolling hills in the distance. I bend down and run my hand through the water. It's cold and fresh. A girls scream breaks the clearing. My head snaps to the side and I see a girl in a white dress on her knees. Her head and arms are thrown back and she screams and screams. I run up the hill but I can never reach her... I try harder and

Iwake up and squint through the darkness. I roll out of bed and walk down the hall. Muffled noises come from Claire's room. I walk over and open the door. Claire tosses and turns, and then screams. I move closer and she stops. She lays still on her back with her eyes closed tight. I can hear her clearly when she speaks the words,

"I'm so sorry!" She gasps. Her arms, which were crossed on her stomach, now fly open to her sides. "NOO! Leave him! Why?!" She shakes and then bolts up, screaming. Realizing where she is, she stops herself and breathes. "God!" Looking up and yelling, "Don't you take my heart again!" She runs her hand through her hair and then smacks the pillow. "It wasn't even real... It wasn't real... Not again..." She lifts her knees up to her chest and repeats it over and over.

"Claire." I whisper. She scrambles up and holds her heart.

"I'm sorry I woke you."

"It was just a nightmare."

"Thank god for that." I hug her and she says,

"It seemed so real... And I couldn't take it." She hyperventilates and shakes uncontrollably.

"Calm down. Hey, calm down. You're ok." I sit her down.

"Sleep now. I can keep you safe, I promise. It's almost morning." She falls asleep again and rests well.

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