Chapter Seven: Help or Hurt?

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Claire's POV

After Soren ran off, I attempted to get my bearings together. I raised my chin and walked in. We were the only three there still. I swung the door open and never stopped as I greeted the two,

"Hello slut. Hello bastard." Not giving them the time of day. I got ready. Putting my hair up, changing, and filling my water bottle to pass time. When I finished everything I had to do, I glanced at Gabe and Lacy. She was looking at his face cluelessly as to how to help him. His nose was bleeding and bruising. I needed to make him feel awful.

I got up, and ripped the first-aid kit off of the wall. I sauntered over and all this time kept a straight, blank face that was powered by rage. I refused to look into either of their eyes, because if looks could kill... They'd need caskets. And as infuriated as I was, I loved healing people and didn't want to be a murderer. I folded my legs underneath me and sat in front of him. I opened the kit and pulled out what I needed. He started saying,

"Claire... Look at me. Let me explain..." His sorry ass shouldn't be feeding the fire... I might look tiny but I could rip his... Deep breaths,

With a meaningful voice I said deeply, "Right now I'm choosing to help you instead of hurt you." Leaving that said, I turned his face towards me and even though I didn't have to...

I scrubbed his bleeding cuts with alcohol wipes. Smiling when he cried out in pain. "1-10, how bad is the pain?" I asked.

"4." He winced.

I frowned and scrubbed harder before grabbing plasters and securing them.

"Just a 4? if you'd experienced the pain I'm in, you'd be in the hundreds. Get me some water, slut." I sneered. She came back with it and I gave him 2 Advil.

He sighed, "That's better. Thank you." I cocked my head, whispering,

"I don't care if your better. Because you don't care about how I am. Obviously." I packed the kit and got up. He followed me,

"Stop. Listen to me. It's not what it looked like!" I stopped. Pacifism was looking bleak right now... I kept going. I replaced the kit to where it belongs and shoved my way past Gabe. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back. Spinning me around. I hit Gabe's rock hard chest and he said,

"Don't be a bitch. You know you want me, stop playing." He grabbed my chin and kissed me hard. I squealed and slapped his chest in a futile attempt to get away. He chuckled and kept kissing me. I hear the door open and close. I ignore it, too occupied on getting away. Pacifisms long gone now. I stomp on his foot with everything I have. He groans and snarls,

"Feisty... Just how I like 'em." He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in. This time I can't get away. I feel his tongue and struggle harder. He keeps on and so I do what I have too... I knee him where the sun don't shine and he doubles over in agony. Fury taking over control of my body, I make to kick him and spit on him. But before my foot can swing, two strong hands pull me back. Restraining me. I scream,

"Let me go! LET ME GO!!!" I don't even know who saved Gabe from the wrath of me. I struggle and kick and fight, but whoever it is just wraps their arms around my body tighter and shushes me. I know I've lost, but I don't quit. "Let... Me. Go..." I say with a surge of strength. I start crying for god knows what reason, but the heat of the tears helps me hang onto reality. So I welcome them. The person eases is to the floor as I writhe. I scream desperately at no one in particular,

"I'm never done! I... Am... Never... Done." Trailing off slightly. The person holding me down hears this and momentarily loses grip on me, hands falling to my upper arms. I scream louder,

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