Chapter 30

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Soren's Pov.

You could feel the tension in the room. Zoe was sitting silently looking scared, Julian was constantly tapping his foot nervously and I was staring holes into his soul. Worst part was that Claire was sleeping before us as doctors examined her and questioned us about the bruises on her ribs.

"Do you have any idea where she got these from?"The doctor asked us gauging our respounces

"Maybe she got them when she fell?"Zoe said in a small voice

"I dont know."Julian said plainly

"Pfft. Yah right Julian."I said

The doctor raised his eyebrows and Zoe turned pale white. "What do you mean by that?"He spat

"You know." I said growling

"Listen buddy. I know you have a problem with me but I would never hurt Claire like some people."

"I hope for your sake your not talking about me."

"Try me."

"I'll kill you."

I stood up and so did Julian untill we were face to face. More like Julian's face to your neck. Your wayy taller than that dweeb.

"I'm going to have the police ask you some questions. You miss may stay here."He said to Zoe

She nodded slowly and we left the room. Two police were waiting for us outside.


Zoe's Pov.

"I'm so sorry Claire. So so sorry. I think we got off on the wrong foot and if you dont want to babysit me anymore. I'll be fine at Soren's alone. It would be great if you could wake up." A tear slipped down my cheek and I quickly wipped it away

"The police think Julian is the reason for the marks on your ribs. So does Soren, please dont be mad at me. I didn't mean to knock you over. Please dont blame Soren either. This kind of thing hits close to home for him, our dad was terrible. He abused Soren but he was very strong. He took care of me when even when I was part of the reason his trouble at home started." I was full on sobbing now

"When he left, I didn't know what to do. My protector was gone and I was scared. Untill I came here and found out he was protecting someone who needed it more. I know your dating Julian but you have to accept that Soren is a friend. I know your parents died and I'm so sorry, but everyone that cares about you are like your family. You don't have to like Soren or Kevin or. Me. But you have to accept that if anything ever happened to you we will be there. We care and I know Julian cares to because he loves you. Thats why you have to be okay, you have to fight through the pain. Because Julian and your family want you back." I crossed over to Claires bed.

Her eyes opened slightly. "Zoe?"


"I don't blame you." She said closing her eyes again

"Does that mean we can be friends?"I asked

She nodded."No way to get rid of you. Your family."She said smiling

I grinned laughing in half sob. "Now can you please get up before Julian and Soren rip each other to pieces. Or worse, the police tow them away."

"I can't."She said

I shook my head. "Yes you can. You just have to believe."

"No seriously Zoe. I need help sitting up." I quickly went over to her and helped her sit

"Julian's kinda hot."I said smiling

She smiled laughing. "He sure is. Hes taken so no ideas."She said teasingly

"All the cute guys are taken."I said pouting

She laughed. "Don't worry you'll find someone. Plently of fish in the sea."

"What about fisherman?"I wiggled my eye brows, she laughed then groaned putting a hand on her ribs

"Tell me a bit about yourself Zoe."She said curious

I shrugged, "Not much to know. I grew up with my mom, turned out my dad was married to another women. Also that he had a son named Soren. Soren and I didnt get used to each other untill highschool and then on his senior year he just. Left. Didnt say goodbye or took any of his stuff. Then a year later I got accepted into NYU found his adress and begged to stay at his house. Never had any hobbies or many friends. I just focused on keeping my grades up so I could get a scholorship."I said honestly

"Thats it?"

"What do you want my play by play?"


"Grew up thinking my dad was dead. Finds out he cheated on his wife with my mom and she had me. Met Soren. Was called a slut all through highschool because if my mom. Soren eventually stood up for me and then a year later he leaves me. They continued to bully me until I decided to drop out. It took three loans and a miracle to get into NYU. The whole reason I'm living at Sorens is because if i wasnt. I'd be out on the streets begging. There you have the story of my life!"I said throwing my arms up in the air

"I had no idea."

"Its okay."

"How did your parents die?"I asked her

She immediatly started to cry so I went over and rubbed her back. "What is it?"I asked her

"Its all my fault."

"No its not. Just tell me."

"I cant."

"I wont tell anyone. Girls promise. You can trust me." I held out my pinky

She shook it with hers.

"Soul sisters?"


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