Chapter 18

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Soren's Pov.

You know the whole "my life flashed before my eyes" thing? Its total bull shit. It dosn't happen in real life, only movies and terrible books. I believe that right before something bad happens you get this moment where your totally aware without even thinking. When I was little i fell of my bike and the second before I fell I had this millisecond where I knew exactly what to do. I placed out my hands and landed safely. I had almost no scratches on my hands but the second I stood up, i looked down and there on my knee was a huge scrape. Blood ran down my knee but my kneecap was almost numb still today you can faintly see the scar on my knee from a bike accident that happened ten years ago.

I had no warning on what was going to happen the day I had lunch with Claire. And now I'm floating in this darkness and I can't move my limbs at all. Its scary not knowing when you are going to be able to feel, anything really. What I hate the most is how everyone keeps yelling for me to wake up.

Do you really think I'd rather be paralyzed in a bed?Because being in a coma is soo much fun.

I can't see anything thanks to my eyelids being closed at least I hope its only because my eyes are closed. I can sometimes hear sounds coming from somewhere distant and i try my best to listen in but end up falling back into the darkness where no sounds are.

"He thinks he may never see again."I hear a voice faintly say and then sobbing, the sound makes me want to cover my ears but I.Can't.Move.

The sound is shredding me and I writhe in pain. The darkness holds me closer to itself and attempts to block out whats happening on the other side. Then after what seemed like hours or maybe it was minutes I can't really tell I hear the voices leave.

"Get better."A gentle voice says, for a minute I think its Claire but then the voices are gone. I feel like screaming "Wait! Claire? Is that you? CLAIRE!"I scream inside my head again but to no avail

She wasn't coming. So be it.


Kevin's Pov.

Emma had to practically drag me out of the hospital room. She whispered in Soren's ear for him to get better and then she took my arm and led me out of the hospital. We must have looked terrible because people were starting to stare, I could just see us now.

Emma's red hair fuzzing up in the little pony tail she put it in, our clothes smelly and dirty. Our eyes sunken from lack of sleep. And me. I havn't shaved for days, I havn't gone to work either. Which wasn't the greatest plan considering this is going to cost be a fortune.

"Want me to take you back to your apartment?"She asked me getting into the car

I shook my head and pulled out a piece of paper with an address on it. Rose was nice enough to let me use her computer to look the directions up. "What's this?" She asked looking at the paper

"Soren's parents house."I said with my head down, she nodded and drove silently as we Criss-crossed through traffic.

When we finally made it to the house Emma turned off the engine and we just sat there staring at the blue house. It was light blue with a white trim and vine was starting to grow on it. Nothing much in the yard just a small garden and a porch,slightly run down but nice looking.

"It's beautiful."Emma said looking at the house in awe

I nodded "Soren never told me about where he lived or anything about his past really. He only said his parents were bastards and he hated them."I told her

She looked at me concerned, "Would you feel better if I went with you to meet hi parents?"She asked me

I nodded and we slowly got out of the car and walked up the stone steps carefully. When we made it to the front door I froze my back becoming rigid. Emma took my hand and with the other she knocked on the door. I held my breathe and waited but no one answered so I began to turn when i heard a voice. "Can I help you?"The lady asked her voice soft and gentle

I expected anything but her when we arrived. "I'm Emma and this is Kevin. Were friends of your son Soren."Emma said motioning to me

The ladies eyebrow crinkled and she closed the door coming outside with us. "You should go, my husband and Soren didn't part on good terms."She told us

"Soren really needs his father right now."Emma told her

She shook her head frowning. "What did he do this time?"She asked me

"He got hit by a car."I told her smirking, her face fell and her eyes teared up. I felt Emma punch me in the shoulder lightly.

"Is he okay?"Soren's mother asked us quietly

"He's in a coma but the doctor says he will be fine. Its just that we don't know whether he will be able to see ever again."Emma told her helping her walk

"Well I guess that's good news. Come,come I get us some tea." She told us as Emma helped her inside the house

"Who is it?"A gruff voice asked from another room

"Guests."She said escorting us to the sitting room

We took a seat on the couch and Soren's parents sat on chairs facing us. Sorens mother had big blue kind eyes while his father had fierce sharp ones that made you feel like you were being punished for doing something wrong. "Why are you two here?"He asked his voice low and scratchy

"Soren's been in an accident."Emma told him

He shrugged, "That concerns me how?"he asked her

She looked taken aback but quickly recovered. "Your his parents and the hospital bill is very expensive and.."She trailed off

He stood up angrily "Money! This is what this is all about! Soren got himself all messed up again and you want me to pay the bill!"He yelled at her

I stood up in front of Emma and scowled at him. "I can see why Soren hates you so much you inconsiderate.."I started


Emma stood up and started tugging on my sleeve for us to go. I resisted and stood eye to eye with Soren's dad. "What did you call her?"I said gritting my teeth

"You heard me. Leave or I'll call the police."He said

"Kevin let him be.It's none of our business."She said tugging on my arm harder

"Fine."I said walking out with my head held high, Soren's dad watched me through the window so i spat on his driveway and got into the car.

We drove in silence all the way to my apartment.

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