Chapter Twenty-five: Quite a sight

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Claire's POV

"Do you have any Advil?" I ask Jules as I set down my purse.

"Yeah, why?" He asks while he grabs me a glass of water and the bottle from the cabinet.

"My ribs are killing me."

"You want to stay home tonight?"

"No! I'll be fine. I've had worse."

"Let me see." I shake my head. When I swallow the pills it hurts and I wince.

"I'm just not used to eating. I'm okay, Jules." He has a helpless and devastated look in his eyes.

"Can't we just go see a doctor or something?"

"They would ask about my parents...and Mike would come after me...and..." I hyperventilate at the thoughts that run through my head.

He sits down across from me and holds my hands,

"I don't care what happens to that prick, any punishment he gets for hurting you he deserves. If not more. I only care about you, and you're hurt. So as much I hate putting you through the questions, we have to go see someone. Please."

"Soren saw it. He thinks you're the one doing it to me." He drops his head on his forearms and groans. "I tried to hide it!"

"It's not the fact that he saw it, it's that he thinks I would hurt you. That that's how I'm seen towards you. As an abusive, heartless boyfriend." He growls.

"He's messed up, Jules! It's not right and if that's what he thinks, we'll just ignore him. Maybe he'll figure it out on his own!" He shakes his head and mumbles. "I love you." I stroke his hair and when he doesn't move, I just get up and leave.

I head to the living room and start channel surfing. I stop on Ridiculousness and watch. Hiding all the pain and watching other people helps. I smile and laugh along with the show and when it ends, it's already 4:30. I watch another half hour of the next episode before getting up to change.

I close the door and lock it. I unzip the dress bag and pull it out. I lay it on the bed and strip down. I shimmy my way into the dress and then walk up to the mirror. I smile and spin around. Being beautiful and believing you're beautiful, is a great feeling. I tweak my hair and decide I'm good.

I don't have a purse to bring, so I'll just leave everything here. Shoes. I need shoes. I take out the pair of heels and slip them on. I unlock the door and walk down the stairs.

I go into the dark kitchen and yell, "Jules?!" A voice that's not his responds,

"Hello, Claire." I scream as loud as I can. The voice chuckles. "Relax, it's just me."

"What the fuck? Who is 'me?!'" I flip on the lights and see Max standing there with a triumphant smile on his face.

"I've been told to escort you to your destination."

"By who?"


"Fine." We link arms and he guides me to the lobby, where we walk out the revolving doors. I get a lot of stares and put my head down.

"Put your chin up."

"But people are staring..."

"Because you look amazing." I blush and keep walking. He pulls me back,

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know."

"Into the limo." I pause. Then I point at the sleek, black car.

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