Chapter 20

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Kevin's Pov.

"Do you really want to do this?"Emma asked me

I sighed and glanced out the window. It seemed like Soren has been in a coma for years. Me and Emma already have shared our first month together as a couple. It didn't feel right that Soren is still in a coma. I keep waking up thinking he's in the bedroom next door and then I remember. Then I break down because as soft as it for me to say it, I miss him.

I hate you Soren. You make me feel like a sissy.

Cause you are a sissy, I imagine him reply

"I don't understand why he's not waking up. From a medical point of view he's fine. If he woke up right now hes occipital lobe's bruising should be all healed. But the thing is if you can't pay..." The doctor trailed off

"We can pay."I spat with gritted teeth

"I'm going with the doctor to check out if we can afford this." Emma said, I turned my back to her tears pooling around my eyes.

"Okay."I whispered

She left the room so I went over to the chair I put my coat on. I quickly pulled out the shoe box and walked over to Soren's side.

I felt anger replace my sadness and did one last attempt to make Soren wake up.

"Check out what I got." I said in a sing song voice while wiggling it in front of his face.

He can't see it idiot. He's asleep.

Yes I'm aware of those facts!!

"Didn't think I'd notice it hidden under your bed. The night I tried to rape her you were buying her shoes?!? Let me guess, your new kicks were just a decoy so you wouldn't have to lie to me." I said in anger.

Why are you being so mean to him?

Shut up.

"But you didn't give them to her. Why was that? Was she gone with someone else? Is that how she met Julian? When you were out getting something to win her over? Pathetic." I didn't stop, I hit ever soft spot I knew capable of hitting.

Oh. I see where your going.

His heart rate is picking up. He's getting angry!

I smiled at the change and pulled out the shoes. I whistled at the beauty. "How much did these cost? Our savings or your medical bill?" I swear I saw his hand twitch.

"And then you think she's in danger after saving her life. And bam! She falls in love with someone else. Ouch, thats gotta hurt." Each diss after another I kept at it knowing when he wakes up I'm getting a royal beating.

"You hit her instead? Was it an accident or were you just mad enough to take it out on her?" I said slowly.

Oh boy, your dead for sure now.

"Didn't your dad teach you anything? Or was he too occupied with beating your mom? Thats right, I visted your parents, I knew something wasn't right there. Next time I ask you what those scars are don't lie because now I know the truth." I was on fire and then.

Hes heart rate is going down. Damn! Kevin! You broke him! Now he's sad! Sad people don't live! Fix it!

"Soren you wake up right now or else I'll give these shoes to Julian and he can take all the credit for your gift." I told him.

He didn't move.

"Good thing I know where he lives. Its with Claire." I told him as I walked out with the box.

Your not going to give those to Julian are you?

Of course not! I'll give them to Claire shes probably working on her and Julian's routine.

I quickly slipped inside the building, freezing because of the coat I left at the hospital.

"Kevin?" I heard Julian ask as he walked torwards me.

I shook my head, "He's not awake. I just came here to speak with Claire."I told him while stifling a laugh from his ballet getup.

He frowned but got Claire and walked a few paces back so he could still hear what we were saying. "What do you want to see me for Kevin?" She asked confused

I cleared my throat and felt Julian's eyes burning into my skull. "Do you think you could call off you protecter in pink tights?" I asked her

"THEY ARE WHITE HUE!" Julian said going into a different room, I laughed at him but Claire gave me an accusing look so I stopped.

"The day of the incident. Um. The night club incident." I said, unsure of myself.

She nodded in understanding. "He didn't want to go at first. He was going to your school to see you."I said slowly

She lifted one eyebrow but kept her face steady. "He was going to give you this. I saw him take it and then hide it under his bed when he couldn't find you." I said handing her the box.

She frowned. "I don't like him." She said.

I nodded and began to leave. But was stopped by her hand grabbing my arm.

"Whats in it?" She asked me.

I shrugged and left.

Liar. You know he bought her new ballet shoes.

How he knew her shoe size.. Never mind I don't want to know.

Outside the wind picked up and I shiverd the cloudy sky blocking the sun. "Maybe I shouldn't have given them to her."I thought outloud

My phone rang and Emma's name flashed on the screen. "Hey babe." I said and then heared her panicked voice.

"What is it?" A thousand unanswered questions spiral in my head. And then she said the two words I was bracing myself for.

"Its Soren."

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