Part 15

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Next morning, Shaurya is up early. He adjusted Mehak to her pillow and kissed on her temple and gets ready for his morning sprint. After the morning sprint, he came back to the room and saw Mehak still sleeping. He opened the curtain and the morning sun rays hit on Mehak's face. She turned to the other side and cover herself with the blanket. Shaurya shakes his head and chuckled at her antics and went to the bed, he sat next to her. He try to roll down the blanket but Mehak hold on to it tightly. He called her gently Mehak, Mehak wakeup it's already morning. I have gone for my morning sprint and you are not still waked up yet. Mehak mumbles from under the blanket, let me sleep another 10 minutes Shaurya, please I am so sleepy. He didn't stop but kept disturbing her, then he decided to prank on her. He took his phone and mocked as if calling Kanta Chachi. He started to talk, Namaste chachi, how are you doing? How is everyone at home? You see this Mehak is sleeping till now and refuse to get up. Hearing this Mehak quickly jumped off from her bed. Her hair was in a mess and she looked at Shaurya and he laughed at her amusingly. Realizing that he have pranked, Mehak showed her angry pout and blow off her hair falling onto her face. She gets up and yelled at him is this how you wake up people from sleep? Why did you do such thing? Shaurya still laughing, Mehak gets annoyed and throw the pillow at him, it hits right on his head. Shaurya turned and see her. She continue to hit him with all the pillows Shaurya tried to avoid her. There no more pillow left. Mehak took the hourglass sand clock and aim at Shaurya, He asked her to put it back. She put that back and look for other things to throw at him. Shaurya start to take the pillows and aim at her, Mehak started to run around the room avoiding him. She climb on the bed and took the pillow and hit Shaurya who is standing on the floor. The pillow torn apart and the feathers start to fly all over the room. Shaurya manage to pull Mehak and she fell on the bed, he crawled on top of her and hold her both hands. He could feel the rise and fall of her breath and her luscious softness under his hard chest. The flying feathers drop slowly on them. She looked at him. She tried to push him away in mock anger but he responded by tightening his grips on her hands. He slowly bend down to her neck and planted kiss on her ear lobe, then slowly to her jawline then to her neck. Mehak melted with his touch she closes her eyes. He kissed hard at her neck her heart skipped a beat. He continue to kiss her till his mobile rings. Both came to conscious. He yelled who invented this mobile, I got something even important to do now. He cuts the call and Mehak blushed. He leaned towards Mehak again, she cupped his face and smiling at him. Again the mobile rings. He took the mobile with frustration. He wants to decline the call again but Mehak asked him to answer it maybe it's someone important, he told her no one is important than you. Mehak asked him please answer the call, he took her advice and answer it. It was from one of the investors. Mehak gets up from the bed and wants to go to the bathroom, Shaurya pulled her place her on his lap. Her eyes widened and ask what he put his index finger on her lips to be quite. He responded to the other party yes can be arranged etc. While Mehak being naughty purposely tickles him, he jumped and glared at her. She made a cute pout and obeyed him till he finishes his call.

He ends his call and shakes his head. Mehak asked what happened. He looked at her. It's from the investors. They want to organize New Year party and they want us to attend and want to discuss on business matters for upcoming year. So now I need to get ready and go to Noida for some meetings. While he was talking to her Mehak remove the feathers sticking on his hair and his beard. She took her phone and asked him to pose for selfie as both look messed in the feathers. He asked her are you uploading in social media or anything, Mehak says no, you told me not to post in Facebook , Instagram etc. so I don't post our pictures anywhere. He told her it because I don't want my personal life become public display, I hate that people postings on social media displaying all in public. Shaurya pulled her closer and kissed her cheek, now you are escaped from me Mrs Khanna. I need to get ready for meeting. She gets up from his lap and asked him to clean up the room because he is the one who cause this, Shaurya denied it was due to her. She argued you disturbed me while I was sleeping. Shaurya saw the clock and screeched Oh shit I am late baby. He runs to the bathroom while Mehak collects all the pillows and start to arrange them on the bed. She opens her room door to go and get the broom and pan to clean the feathers. But bump into Dolly maasi. She greeted Dolly maasi. Dolly maasi sees her condition with feather and said arey baapre where did you go for wrestling, you are in such condition. Mehak bits her lips and couldn't answer her. Dolly maasi understood and ask her to go and clean up. Mehak gets the broom and pan went back to room. She ties up her hair into a bun and start cleaning and mumbling, all he did and everyone thinks it's my fault. This world is never been fair to women. All men's mistake women has to bear the grunt. She finished sweep the room and tidy up all. Shaurya came out from the bathroom with towel seeing her cute antics and chuckled walked to the dressing table and wearing his deodorant and perfumes. He was checking the suits which to wear for the meeting. Mehak looks at him from back. Shaurya saw her she is waiting for his response but he continue to ignore while he gets dressed up. She puffed and walked to the bathroom. Shaurya grabs her wrist and pulls to his chest and wraps his arms around her waist. He search for her eyes but Mehak didn't want to look at him. He lift her chin gently and called her baby look at me, she gently lift her gaze from down and look at him. He tucked her hair behind her ears and say I am sorry it was because of me of this mess. He took out some of the feathers sticking on her hair. Mehak replied is not because of that, I bumped to Dolly maasi and she looks at me one kind, she must be thinking what type of daughter in law am I? He smirked and replied her, maasi is very straightforward she don't keep things in her heart that's something I like about her. Don't think of anything okay. Mehak nodded and asked him to leave her as his suit will get crumpled and spoiled because she is in a mess. He asked her with his childish voice so are you forgetting something? Mehak looked at him blankly she didn't get it but from his smile and excitement on his face she knows what exactly he wants. She cupped his face and lift her toes to kiss on his forehead then to his both cheeks. Then he planted her a kiss on her cheek and notice that he is running late and tell her I love you and rushed to the door.

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