Part 47

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Mehak with Vicky scheduled the cleaning and sanitizing for the White Chilies. They asked Shaurya to concentrate on the upcoming business planning and other activities. Shaurya obliged as he also have many other important task to handle and he let them to handle the work at White Chilies. Mehak prepared the list of areas and who will lead the cleaning on the areas and other task. Work started from the kitchen area onwards. Vicky leading the team at pantry and store room to clean those areas. Priya was in charge on the eating area. Mehak was in charge of kitchen. She assigned her assistance to clean all the spice racks and other ingredients. The assistance followed accordingly. As they started their work she went to check on the pantry and store area to check on the progress. She give some suggestions and move to eating area. The work going smoothly and Shaurya called Mehak to ask on the progress. She replied him Mr Khanna aren't you supposed to be at meeting why are you calling and disturbing me at work, he called and asked her do you love me, she pressed her lip to cover herself from not to smile, she corrected her tone and replied Mr Khanna I am at restaurant and workers all around me so please behave yourself. He is from the other end grinned I wanted to hear it from you now, she smiled quietly hiding her emotion from him, now better be quick and tell me I love you baby now. Mehak said you can ask lovingly or order me but I will never say anything now okay, now quickly hang up because I am busy okay bye before he say anything she hang up and laughed quietly. She went back to kitchen to check on the outstanding work just then she didn't see on the floor and tripped fell down as she fell on the floor she touched the electric cable which was left unattended and get electrocuted.

But it was a miracle that before the electric current transfer to her body there was a power trip and she just fainted. Seeing the restaurant's power down Vicky was coming from the storeroom and saw Mehak lying on the floor unconsciously he screamed for help and ask someone to call doctor immediately. Doctor came immediately checked and told she fell and touch the electric cable and luckily the power tripped so just minimal electricity so she fainted and nothing serious or else it would have cause fatality. Vicky who was still in panic watched as Priya sit next to Mehak who still unconscious. Priya asked Vicky whtr did he called Shaurya sir, and Vicky took his mobile to call Shaurya just then Shaurya was parking his car in front of White Chilies seeing Vicky's call he didn't answer but just took the mobile and went into the restaurant.

As he enters he saw all the staff and workers crowding at the restaurant he walks towards there as he asked loudly what's happening there and the crowd moved away he saw their faces and wonder why all are looking gloomy. As he walks pass them he saw Mehak lying unconscious in one of the seater he tensed to see her in such state and rush to her side Priya moved away as Shaurya lifted her head and place it on his lap, he asked tensely what happen and he roared at Vicky. Vicky replied as he stuttered, bhaiya I don't know just now power tripped so I came out from store room to check what happen and saw bhabhi lying unconscious on the floor we call doctor and they checked, it seems she tripped and fell there was current cable was on the floor she touch the cable but before the current go in full volume we had power tripped so bhabhi fainted. Doctor said she is unconscious but nothing serious bhaiya don't worry. He held her face close to his chest as he tapped on her cheek, she gained conscious slowly and exhaled breath on his chest he pressed his lips on her forehead and hugged her tightly. Shaurya place her back on the seater and gets up stand in front of Vicky and Priya he rested his hands on his waist and lashes at both for being negligence and didn't do their work carefully, Vicky and Priya look down in guilt. Mehak tries to get up and called Shaurya, he quickly went to her aid and kept her securely on his chest. Are you okay jaan, any pain or anything shall we go hospital to check or anything he looked at her attentively as his hands caressed her head, she move herself closer to his ears and whisper slowly I love you. He smiled at her and looked into her eyes deeply their gaze were broken when Priya interrupted them mam are you okay mam? Mehak slowly turned towards Priya and nodded at her. Shaurya started to scold them all these people are being spoilt by you Mehak, you see what happen now. You don't be strict and firm with them and now something like this happen. What if anything serious or worse happens? Mehak holds his arm firmly to cool him down. He calms down and ask them to continue their work and looked Mehak, she whisper again I love you, he cupped her face closer and look at her smilingly, how if anything happen to you Mehak, she repeat again I love you. He hugged her tightly inhaling her scent she repeated I love you so much Shaurya. He responded her I love you till my last breath and ever after my jaan. Don't do this to me I am not strong as you think if anything even a slight thing happen to you I can't breathe I will lose my senses and I can't think straight.

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