Part 54

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Shaurya was busy at work as he with his team of people selecting the candidates. After the first level selection they had further discussion to select suitable candidates for the show. As he was busy selecting and debating with his team his mobile buzz in his pocket he took it and smiled to see it was from his beloved wife. He excused himself and took the mobile aside as he lean on the glass wall resting his right leg on the left and swipe to answer with his sensual voice. Yes my love she called to inform him that she arrived the yoga center safely and he smiled widely hearing her sweet voice. Enjoy your yoga session and once taking the cab do let me know, Mehak said okay and hang up. Shaurya looked at his I Phone X screen the latest wall paper of Mehak at the Waffle café, she was licking the chocolate sauce with her index finger excitedly with her eyes closed. He loved all her expression she was the cutest and prettiest thing he has ever seen on earth. He smiled as he close his eyes for a second but it was interrupted by Mr Bhatt as he wants to check further with sponsors and advertisement matters.

At Yoga class Mehak were introduced with the class mates. She was placed in the beginner's class. The first lesson was the Suryanamaskaram and Martial pose. Mehak struggled to understand as it's new to her. After 45 minutes the class was over Mehak drank some to quench her thirst. Some of the yoga class students greeted and introduced themselves to her and get to know her. After she was done she decided to drop by to the nearest grocery shop to get some groceries needed in house. As she was busy picking the groceries, she bumped to Mrs Bhatt who also happen to be at the same grocery shop. Mrs Bhatt asked how Mehak is doing. Mehak replied that she is good as since Shaurya is away for work and she feeling bored she has enrolled into Yoga class and she has finished her class and now she is here to shop for some groceries. After some time chit chatting Mrs Bhatt asked Mehak to drop by at her home and spend some time there with her, Mehak said she will come another day and spend the day with her but today she needs to go home as some work is incomplete there. Mrs Bhatt told her she must come and took her mobile number to stay in touch and both left from there.

Mehak reached home and she messaged Shaurya that she is back home and he sent her smiley emoji. She put her mobile away and went to shower and puts some music ON while she tie her hair into a messy bun and checked for some interesting stuff to cook. As she was busy browsing for ideas in her IPAD, Shaurya did face time and asked what is she doing a home missing him or not, Mehak sticks her tongue out Janab do you think I am small girl I am grown up and can manage myself properly today after class I went to buy groceries and also at Yoga class I made new friends, Shaurya purposely teased her not bad Mrs Khanna you are progressing well. So is there any boys in the Yoga class, I am sure with the gym outfit you will look hot and is there anyone ogling at you in the class he asked. Mehak giggled silently and said ha if it's a class there are boys and girls. Maybe someone would have seen me or checking me out. What you care, okay listen I am very busy today I am searching for new recipes and need to try them don't disturb me okay you eat properly and concentrate on your work , she blow him a flying kiss and hangs up. Shaurya smiled thinking of her naughty reply and got himself busy with work.

At home Mehak found some interesting snacks like bread pockets she immediately get into work and started to work on it. She made the filling for the bread pockets with some vegetables and once her dough for the bread done she started to filled the dough with the vegetable fillings and press the edges with a fork and glaze them with some melted butter and she keep it into the oven for baking. She quickly took some photos in between as she prepares them. She waited patiently for the oven to complete baking the snack. Once the oven stopped, she quickly take it carefully and let it cool down. She tried one and it was good, she wrote some notes in her book and arrange a few in the plate and decided to bring it to her neighbor Mrs Srinivas and Neev. She went there and press the doorbell and Mrs Srinivas opens the door for her and greeted her to come in. Mehak sat at the hall and hearing her voice Neev quick rush out from his room as screaming Mehak didi you are here, he hugged her. As they sat on the sofa Mehak offered them the snack she just made and they asked what is it and Neev licked his lips with tongue and saying didi looks like its very delicious can I try first, Mehak made him to sit and offered to Mrs Srinivas and Neev to try them. The mother and son tried the snack, Neev and his mom was delighted to taste something new. Mrs Srinivas asked Mehak what is this we never tried something like this. It's delicious and so yummy. Neev took one more and Mehak explain its like bread pockets where we can get in fast foods and she is trying to create something similar. Mrs Srinivas asked about her Yoga class experience and Mehak told about her day out today. Mrs Srinivas told her that the day after is Onam their festival and she invited her to join them for the celebration and Mehak said she will join her as she enjoys chai with her.

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