Part 35

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Archie was fuming in anger after hearing what Shaurya said. She started to throw and break every things at her office. She was pulling her hair in anger her staff hearing the noise from her cabin went in to see but she throw a file on her and ask her to get lost. Then she took her mobile and called someone asking the other person to do something and it must be done by today and not to worry about the payment it will be in his bank acct now. She relay her task to the person and smiling evilly, Shaurya Khanna you smiled in happiness because you want to celebrate Valentine's day with your wife right , today you will cry your heart out for the rest of your life.

At White chilies, Mehak enjoying seeing all the couples. She was busy checking the buffet stations and monitor together with the chefs. Later she sat down checking her mobile. There are some miscalls. She quickly dials that number wondering why many miscalls from the same number. The caller was a guy who answered madam are you Shaurya Khanna's wife, he is injured here and Mehak's heart trembled hearing the news. She quickly gets up from her place and look for Vicky but he was far and busy with other guest. She left from there without telling anyone. Her driver was outside she gets into the car and directs him to the spot. Million questions and emotions run inside her wondering what could happen to him, she was sending silent prayers so nothing should happen to him. She was also blaming herself saying she should have just gone to see him or else this will not happen. She ask the driver to drive even faster. Just then the driver pull over on a roadside and told her madam we have reached our place, Mehak quickly gets down from the car and started to look around , she started to scream Shaurya , Shaurya everywhere crying she turned to look her driver left from there.

She then realized it's a highway to Haryana, suddenly a car's front light turned ON and came slowly towards her and stops at her. The driver opens the door and gets down from the car. It was none other than Shaurya. Mehak rush to him and check on him and asked him if he okay , Shaurya see his innocence wife , he quickly cups her face and gently wipe away her tears with his thumb and call her name Mehak, I am alright, nothing happens to me. Mehak see his eyes and saw him smiling at her and realize he played a trick on her so she will come to him on her own. She pushes his hands away from her, he tries to go closer to comfort her but she became very furious and started to hit him on his chest, he let her to vent her anger on him. She pushed him away and started to scream at him, is this how you trick me? Have you thought about me? How I would have felt? Do you know by the time I reach here what kind of torture I went through? You never think about others, you never think about me Shaurya? Shaurya take a step forward to her, I am sorry jaan, and I just do that because I want to tell you something but you are not letting me to talk or you want to listen to me. She asked him did you ever listened to me Shaurya. When you show me that photo with KD I wanted to tell you about it but without hearing me you chase me out of room and accuse me. Do you know how much I was broke? When I want to talk you didn't let me to say anything but now when you need to say something I have to be patience and listen to you because you are a man and I am a woman right? I am tired of you Shaurya you will not see all aspect and judge me prematurely, when you find out truth you will come to say sorry and I need to accept it, this is not first time you do like this, you are always angry, arrogant and unapologetic and your ego is so big that you don't see my love for you because you are THE SHAURYA KHANNA. Once for once think about me, think about others around you how you hurt them directly and indirectly.

Mistakes done once and forgiveness is only once, but you took me for granted. Do you want me to remind you how many times you have done similar mistakes? If my mommy papa is here they won't let me to suffer so much like this, just because I am an orphan all are taking chances and hurting me, she choked while saying this and wiped her cheek and scrunches her nose. Shaurya walked to her , he gripped her forearms and shakes her and said till I am alive till my last breath you are not orphan, remember you told me I am your momma , papa , friend , lover and husband and everything . I promise you that I will remain that till my last breathe. Let me tell you I did not misjudge your character after seeing the photo with KD. I know my Mehak will never do such thing, anybody anyone in the world can say but I will never belief such accusation and I will not let go the person who accuse you such way. He let go of his grip. But why Shaurya why you did not talk to me all these days what did I do? I can't tell you as I had something to sort urgently. Mehak pushed him and he jerked few steps back. She started to walk away from him. Shaurya stands there and smiles calling her laddoo, baby Happy Valentine's day sexy come to me, it's not too late lets go and celebrate this night. Mehak ignored and walks away. As she was walking slowly, a truck comes in opposite direction and coming fast on her way. Shaurya seeing that rushes and manages to pull Mehak in nick of time both fell and roll on the road side. He quickly checked on her and asked if she is alright, she was still felt some tremor due to incident. The truck went away. He lifted her and makes her to stand on the ground. He tried to convince her to get into the car but she refuse to listen to him and start to beat him, she screamed at him saying she is not coming with him and ask him to go away. He let her to calm down, she stands at the highway and he stands near his car for her. He purposely wants to taunt her and asked when Mohit say something which hurts you so much , you still went to pawn your jewelry and helped him and you said we are family must let go ill feelings and must help each other but why in my case there is no forgiveness. Mehak went near him and said Mohit is my brother and he is very young, he was instigated my Sheetal aunty but he quickly came to apologies to me, yes because of me he didn't much in his life I wanted to help so I just did what I can do for him. Then she realize how he knows about the jewelry matter, she stopped and asked how did you know about the jewelry matter no one knows about this, are you sending spies after me to see where am I going whom I am meeting and all? Shame on you Shaurya, saying that she just quickly walk away from him , he just cursed himself as he made her more upset , he should just tell her later when she is much calm. Just then a car without the headlight ON was coming in high speed before Mehak move it crashed on Mehak and she flung and somersaulted over the bonnet and landed on the road. The car didn't stop but it went straight and crashed on the truck from the opposite road and caught fire. Shaurya witness these and frozen, he slowly gathered some guts and runs towards Mehak who is lying unconsciously, he gently took her on his lap and kept calling her name and tapping her cheek. He carried her rush to his car place her the back passenger seat and started his car and driving to the hospital.

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