Part 36

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Doctor and nurses came in and asked them to leave , one of the nurse remove the oxygen mask from her mouth and talks to her Mrs Khanna can you see me? She checked her pupil movement and change a new IV bag for her. Shaurya stand nearby as they remove the clip on her which measuring oxygen level and they remove the pads from her chest measuring her heart beat. The medical team asked Mehak to response to some questions. The doctor came to her and explained to her, about her injuries and also what they did to her for recovery. They also explained about how many days she will require to stay in hospital. Doctor said she needs at least 2months as she fully recover but if she gets better before that she can go home. He ask her to rest and said you will be assisted by nurse all the time as you will need help, don't be shy to help from them. Recovery is important and he left from there.

Sooner the rest of the family members including PD and Sonal and all gathered at the hospital. They see Mehak from the glass wall and waved at her. She can't even smile as her jaw aches, earlier her body was numb but as the pain killer wears off she started to feel pain all over her body not one spot left and she couldn't handle as the pain gets intense. The nurse attending to her notice as she groans in pain. She immediately attends to her and ask her is it feeling uncomfortable or any pain, Mehak can't move any of her limbs or her head as well so she just flapped her eyelids. The nurse summoned a doctor and they administered pain killer injection for her. Shaurya ask them what happen and they explain, as the anesthetic wears off she can feel pain from the injuries so we need to give injection, no need to worry. Then he asked when they will move her to ward, they responded after 48hrs. He thanked them and family members insist that both Kanta chachi and Shaurya must go home and rest as they are very tired. Shaurya again didn't want to leave from there. But Karuna maa said , you told once Mehak open her eyes you will go and rest right , now please listen beta , we will take turn , how if you don't get enough rest and fall sick how you can take care of her? Later he agreed and Jeevan chachu and Ravi chachu with Nehal stays at hospital. The rest leave from there. Before leaving he kept turning and looking at her before exiting HDU unit.

He reached home and Dolly maasi rushed to him and asked how bahu is. He said she has opened her eyes but still in pain. I came home to shower and change will go back to hospital again. She smacked on his forearm and said when my bahu comes home don't taunt her and disturb her or else she will be sleeping in my room with me like before. Hearing this Karuna maa behind them and asked Dolly what are you saying why Mehak is sleeping at your room? Dolly replied yes didi, few days since he came back from Mumbai he wants to do work at room and Mehak is sleeping at my room with me. Even the day she was sick the next day she came back to my room I didn't ask because I can see something is wrong but the poor girl already sick asking her will make her sicker so I decided not to say anything. Karuna maa looked at Shaurya and ask, beta is this all true? You and Mehak have something is it? He run through his hand on his nape as he is tired but now he has to answer his mother. He opens up and said yes maa, we both have some issues but I wanted to solve yesterday before that the accident happens. I wanted to sort all and give her Valentine's Day surprise to her maa but she don't want to listen as well, it's my fault but I don't want to be punished like this maa , I don't want to lose Mehak at any cost. Karuna maa asked him to go and fresh up and rest as well.

He slowly went upstairs to his room and take off his hoodie and lie on the bed. So much of memories dances in his mind as he was seeing Mehak all over his mind he dozed off. After few hours he looked at the time and realized he slept off he gets up and rushed to the bathroom to freshen up. He went downstairs and about to leave Karuna maa caught him ask him to eat first before he goes but he told her will eat at outside as he needs to rush to see Mehak don't know whether she needs anything or not. Karuna maa manage to convince him and ask him to eat first, so he quietly obliged. He quickly had his meal and rushes to leave from there, but Police officer came there and said they need to discuss. Without much hesitation, Shaurya brings them to living area and discuss with them. Police office reveals that the car hit Mehak was drove by Archie Basin. Do you recognize her? Shaurya was equally shocked and angry as it was Archie that who did the accident and cause all these pain to his Mehak. He quickly replied I have no idea who is this Archie. Police officer replied she have died in the accident as well. Shaurya's face didn't show any remorse on the news he heard from them, he replied it's good that she died in the accident or else it will be worst because I will not spare who ever cause so much pain to my wife. After few more questions, Shaurya ask them not to disturb Mehak who just open her eyes at hospital as doctor already told them that she is yet to recover from trauma, anything please ask me I will assist. They leave from there. He also leave to hospital. Shaurya's routine was the same for the next few weeks. Mehak didn't talk much to anyone as she feel pain as she move her jaw. Her food was mainly liquid soft food. Doctor has removed the cervical neck collar from her as he neck is fine and also the bandage from the head removed replaced with a patch on the wound spot. Kanta chachi ties up her so it will be easy to manage as her hair kept falling over her face. It was getting hard for chachi to feed her as she refuse to eat and complains tired all the time. Her broken arm cast were removed and replaced with a sling. She was progressing well but there were no slight emotion on her face. Shaurya wonders what happen to her because she is not usual chirpy ones. He misses his Mehak very much. The least she response to him by nodding yes or no or she will say she is tired. Doctors say she needs time to recover from her mental trauma. Although she is progressing well on the outer wound her inner wound could be fresh and she needs time, we can give medicine and treatment to treat these visible wounds but her hidden wounds will require lots of love, care and understandings from all her family. Shaurya realized yes she was very hurt prior to that incident, and now the accident so all these is taking a toll on her. He wants to be there for her didn't want to compel her further. He is willing to wait for her.

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