Part 43

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Shaurya arranged for all to travel by plane as the journey by road is almost 6hrs and everyone will be exhausted and not safe as well. He checked on all and ask the Sharma's come to airport directly and Khanna's will join them at the airport. Mehak was packing her clothes and Shaurya came to their room. Mehak saw him and asked all preparation done Shaurya, he replied yeah all done we need to pack and leave airport on time, then she asked him is these clothes okay for you or I take the others, he checked the suitcase and ask her to settle hers first and he will do his one he went to the walk in wardrobe to bring out some casual wears for him and Mehak helped to fold and pack inside the suitcase. Dolly maasi came to their room and asked whtr they already packed or not. Mehak replied all done and they will be coming downstairs in short while. Shaurya get dressed up and all went downstairs. All of them get into their car and reached airport on time. Mehak went to greet all she carried baby Mahi and play with her. Shaurya came to her and played along with her. Vicky called Shaurya to check all and he guided all to the gate to check in and he hold Mehak's waist aside and pull her to him so baby now all are going on a family trip as you promised lets work on our honeymoon , Mehak pouted and asked him to behave and don't talk as all are here he gently push her hair and caress her cheek what can I do if wife is this hot and sexy I can't stay quiet so let them think anything I don't care, Nehal came to interrupt them love birds lets go continue all your talk at Rishikesh. Shaurya smiled and side hugged Mehak and walk with them.

They boarded the plane and within 1 hr. they reached Dehradun. From Dehradun a coach has been arranged for all to Rishikesh. They reached Rishikesh and they headed to their hotel. At hotel lobby they were greeted by the staff and guided them to their rooms. Shaurya asked all to fresh up and meet at the below restaurant for lunch. Shaurya hold Mehak's hand and walks towards their room. They entered their room and Mehak relaxed at the bed, Shaurya locked the room door and join her on the bed, he rested his head on her tummy Mehak ruffles his hair. They relaxed for a while having their usual naughty talks. After taking a deep breath Shaurya gets up and asked her to fresh up lets go down to restaurant and maybe we can go for site seeing. Shaurya went to fresh up and came saw Mehak still on the bed she raise her hands on air signed him to lift her from the bed , he went to help her pull out from the bed and before she goes to the washroom she give a peck and run inside. Shaurya shakes his head and waited for her to come out and both went down to the restaurant to have lunch with all. Mehak sat next to PD and help her to get some food. Once lunch over the elders requested to take a rest and will continue in the evening, Shaurya, Mehak, Vicky and Nehal plan to go and sightseeing. Sonal stayed back with baby Mahi. Shaurya brings Mehak to the hotel surrounding and showed her the hill which is covered with the thick mist, she was amazed looking at the scenery and how beautiful is the surrounding. She hugged him and said Shaurya this place is like heaven so beautiful. He turned her and hugged her from back and said nothing is as beautiful as my Mehak. Mehak see him sideways and pouted him and smiled as they enjoy watching the mountains, river and birds chirping. Then they walk further down seeing around. They reached the Laxman Jhula Bridge and seeing the height Mehak gets paranoid she gripped tightly on Shaurya's arm. Nehal and Vicky walked in front as Shaurya pacify her not to be scared of the height and it will be fine, he is there. She keep denying to walk on that bridge. Shaurya said then let me walk and come back she pulled him back no you don't go without me how if anything happen. He looked at her for a while she brave herself and grip his arm tightly and shut her eyes as Shaurya holds her firmly walks on the bridge. Mehak keep chanting Matarani Matarani help me please, Shaurya chuckle seeing her like this and as they reached the middle of the bridge he stopped and said Mehak you can open your eyes, we already reached. Mehak slowly lifts her head and opens her eyelid slowly still gripping to Shaurya. She was terrified seeing they still on the bridge and she clung to Shaurya and clasped him tightly. Seeing her antic Nehal and Vicky laughed heartedly. Shaurya caressed her back gently and ask her to see slowly as she hold on to him after few minutes she opens her eyes slowly she peep thru her eye lids than she open her eyes wide and see the great scenic and river rafters below the bridge going rafting. She can't speak as the view is amazing, Shaurya called her Mehak are you alright? She replied him hmm Shaurya. Then why are you still holding on to me like this? She let go her grip slowly and stand apart from him then he asked how is the view. She replied it's so so beautiful she quickly hold his hand please hold me I so scared to see the bridge down. Shaurya replied yes hold on to me tightly its 70ft down and you don't know how to swim. The bridge was swaying while they stand watch the amazing view. He walked her to the other end and Vicky tease her, if we all takes 10minutes to walk bhabhi and bhaiya takes 30minutes because 20 minutes they are romancing there. Shaurya give him a deathly glare whilst Mehak hugging Shaurya and laughing on his chest. They walked around the town for a while then sometimes they walk back to their hotel via the same bridge. Shaurya told her during night and sunrise the sceneries is must see. Mehak asked him excitedly so will you bring me, he replied her with his killer smile and ask her walk quickly as the bridge is narrow and there are people behind them, she walked with him crossing the bridge. Nehal asked jiju when we can go for river rafting, Mehak said no river rafting it's dangerous. Nehal replied di river rafting is adventure sports, you wouldn't know because you don't like anything adventure. She kept denying not going for that river rafting because she is scared. Vicky said bhabhi you can wait for us we 3 will go and let you know how it is. Mehak denied saying no one is doing all these adventure sports, they need to go temple and pray for family happiness and blessings.

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