Part 50

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Mehak was busy with her preparation for the Delhi Haat event. She discussed with Shaurya and gets his nod for hiring extra help for the kitchen at White chilies. He worked with Vicky to advertise for the position and started to screening for that position. Mehak worked at home kitchen for the desserts and snacks and she listed out few items. She started to prepare mango Rasmalai, fresh fruit kulfi. As she prepares them she took video of them. She finish the preparations and place them in the fridge to cool down and called Shaurya who was busy at White chilies. He saw her name flashing on his mobile and he has to reject the call as he was in the midst of interview. Then he send her a message busy in meeting call you back. Mehak looked at his message and continue to search for other recipes in the internet. Harish papa and Karuna maa just came back after running some errands they asked Mehak what is she doing and she explained about the desserts and snacks she is planning to do for the Delhi Haat.

As they sat with her at the dining table and looked at her IPAD and suggested some, Harish papa suggested some and Mehak said that one need to prepare on the spot can't prepare in advance, then they changed to another one Dolly maasi who came back from temple feed them all prasad and suggested something too. All were exchanging ideas and tired and sat there looking at other stuffs. Harish papa suddenly got an idea said he knows a dish his village there they will do it is slightly hot and crunchy. It's originated from Haryana side. Mehak think about it and decided to check with Kanta chachi and PD. She called PD and asked her for some suggestions, the octogenarian give her some suggestions. Mehak wrote down all and said she will try and let her know on the outcome. She ask PD to pass the phone to Kanta chachi and chachi asked how her preparations for the Delhi Haat and their moving to Bangalore is coming up. Mehak replied her she still busy coordinating the dishes for the Delhi Haat and she haven't done anything about Bangalore trip yet. Chachi assured her all will be fine and if she need any help just call her and she will be there to help her with the preparations. Mehak thanked her and hang up.

Within next few days Mehak manage to tried few snacks and it all came out well with the few assistance from White Chilies she manage arrange her snacks at the booth . She was busy arranging them and pasting the posters of menu on the booth exteriors. Shaurya came and pull her aside and looked at her intently she ask what by raising her eyebrows. He asked her all these petty works let the assistance to do you just manned the booth and explain about the new dishes. Mehak folded her arms to her chest and said Shaurya no work is small or big you know me I am able to do all. It's okay I will manage. He took out an apron he was bringing for her, and help her to wear it for her and kissed her forehead wishing her best of luck Mrs Khanna. Mehak blushed and kissed at his bearded cheek Tq Mr Khanna and moved inside her booth. Crowd started to come in to the Delhi Haat and many customer patronize White Chilies booth to try variety of sweet dishes and snacks. The Khanna's came to show their support and love for Mehak. Later the Sharma's join them as well. As the crowd increase Kanta chachi helped Mehak to prepare some snacks as it finish quite fast. Shaurya who was there try to flirt with Mehak but she warned him not to disturb her as she is busy or else she will whack him nicely so he decided to stay away.

He admires how she entertain customers patiently as some ladies ask about the dishes and some suggested her to have her YouTube channel so they can follow her methods and prepare these dishes at home too. Mehak smiled and said we will soon come with these idea too. The fair went well and at evening they wrapped up. Sharma's who stayed till late evening took leave from all before leaving. Kanta chachi and Jeevan chachu informed all that they are following Mohit to Jaipur because he have rented a home and Sonal with Mahi is moving there. SO they will be there for some time to take care of Sonal and Mahi and will return home once Sonal settle down. Mehak elated hearing this and she whispered something to Sonal and both giggled. Kanta chachi hugged Mehak and wished her all the best and asked her to take care of herself and Shaurya as they are in new city and give some advices too. PD interrupted Kanta chachi said you are talking as if she is going away from India, is just Bangalore, our laddoo can manage all and my handsome hero is there he will do all the arrangements for laddoo so you don't worry so much. All laughed at PD's suggestions. Sharma's leave from there. Mehak with Shaurya cleaned up the booth and check all before their staff load all the items into the truck to White Chilies. Shaurya suggested Mehak to have dinner and go home so they can rest and the next day can start packing.

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