chapter 1 - lucent

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I WAS ALWAYS CONSTANTLY BEING TOLD ABOUT how uncaring I was, how uncaring I seemed. It was true, I'd admit. There isn't much for me to care for, anyway. I frowned in confusion, as I stopped short in front of my dorm room door. It was open. Why was it open? I was positive, no, I was certain I locked it before I went for my afternoon classes.

Who could've...

If it was those two jokers again, I swear...

I gritted my teeth, and my fingers curled into fists, as I eased into my room, carefully, without making a sound. I could hear some kind of light, happy tune being hummed with deep baritones, and it irked me with how warm it sounded. Stepping into my room of messily sprawled books on dusty carpets, and a faded, ratty, sky-blue couch I spent my nights on more than my bed, there was a guy, a stranger, with a blonde helm of hair that captured the sunlight flooding in through the open windows in each yellow strand, turning them golden, and he was with his back to me, still humming, and digging into a box of...were those books? He had long, skinny limbs, and skin too-pale to be healthy. I wanted to speak aloud and demand the reason for his presence, but I was afraid of breaking this fragile, foreign peace in the midst of my chaotic room.

My voice was shoved back to my throat as my foot caught on something, a blasted something, and I kissed the floor with all too loud 'thump'. His humming stopped, abruptly, and I could see his polished, black leather shoes turning in my direction.

"Oh?" His voice was annoyingly inquisitive, with a tinge of amusement. "I'm guessing you're my roommate, Zoro? You could've just knocked, you know, and you didn't have to fall at my feet."

I scrambled to my feet with a vicious glare at his fucking enchanting blue eyes---those eyes, that knocks the air out of my lungs with each sparkle, those eyes that scream of the sea, the sky, and those dangerous crashing waves with each glint in his pupils, and the painful tug, thud, tug, of my heart, accelerating when they met mine.

"Who," I tried to keep my composure, and keep this furious, flushing, heat away from my skin. "Who the fuck are you?"

"Roommates." He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and gave a pointed look to the object that I tripped over---a luggage, it was a black luggage---and I caught the sight of scattered tattoos of inked feathers on his neck and shoulders that were exposed, uncovered by his denim jacket. "We are roommates."

Roommates? Ah, so that's what the dumb dorm teacher-in-charge was saying. I don't recall paying any attention.

He offered a dangling, pale hand, outstretched. "Name's Sanji. Sanji Vinsmoke," He said with a vicious, vicious grin. "And you're-"

I gripped his cold hand in mine. "Roronoa Zoro."

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just trying something out?

maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't.

thanks for reading anyways.

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