Chapter 4

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Harry didn't want to leave that night and I kept telling him not to but he wanted to respect my parents rules, which is a good thing. I woke Aron up and told him about what happened and he smiled, after we talked he went to the guest room and went to bed. I went to my room and just layed down thinking about tonights events. It was just so unreal, it was like something you'd see in a movie, things like that don't actually happen. If they do no one hears about it.

I hear my parents come in the house, I don't bother going to see them because I don't feel like getting out of bed. I hear them trying to be quiet downstairs and trying hard not to laugh at them selves knocking things over while trying to be quiet. My phone started buzzing.

"Hello?' I say.

"Hi darling."


"Melanie." I picture a smile apearing on his face.

"I had fun tonight, I'm glad you came over."

"Me too, we should do it again sometime but."

"But what?" I ask.

"Next time I want to take you on a real date, like out to eat or to the movies or just go somewhere and watch the stars."

"I'd love that, I just don't know how my parents would feel about it."

"Do they not like me?"

"Yes they like you, they just don't like me going anywhere." I say and I lose my smile.

"Because of how your sick?"


"That's understandable, they don't want anything happening while your out and them not be there. But I still want to take you out on a real date, so I'm going to have to work around your parents rules a bit."

"What do you mean?" I ask and I hear a laugh escape his lips.

"You'll see." We talked for a couple more hours until I told him I could barley keep my eye's open, the rest of the weekend went by and Harry stopped over a couple of times which made it better. Him and my parents really got to know each other. He had dinner with us and they even sat him down and had the whole conversation with him. It was pretty great to see everyone getting along like that.

I had another doctors appointment today, it was kind of like a check up from last time. I had a cat scan last week so I'm hearing the results today. My mom and I sit in the waiting room reading the same magazines that have been here for as long as I can remember. I look around and see people who look worse than me, I have looked bad before but not like that. They look like they are just ready to give up and to not even try anymore. It's heartbreaking.

"Melanie, the doctor will see you now." A nurse said to me, we get up and follow her to my doctors office. We each sit in a chairs infront of the desk.

"Hello Melanie, how are you feeling?"

"Alright I guess." I say to him and he smiles.

"So what the knews Doctor? How are the cat scan results." My mom asks and Doctor Riley looks down and his hands and lets out a sigh. My mother takes my hand I look over and see she's already crying.

"Well Mrs. Baker, the results aren't good actually. The cancer hasn't spread but it's not going away, which means it could start to spread soon."

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Sadly yes, you see last time when we thought it was gone and wasn't going to come back we had stopped it before it started to spread. You haven't done chemo in a couple months and so that's not really helping the process."

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