Chapter 15

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It's been a couple days since Harry and I have fooled around, not because we don't want to. But because I've been feeling sick these past couple of days, just the medinces though. Harry is at work right now and so is mom, it just dad and I at the house. We're sitting in the living room watching TV.


"Dad." I say with a laugh.

"I talked to Aron."

"What?" He talked to Aron, this can either be a good or a bad thing.

"I talked to Aron."

"What was said?"

"He misses you."

"No he doesn't."

"Why would I lie about that?" He says with a 'what the hell' look on his face.

"I'm not saying you are, but he could be."

"I don't think he would lie about something like that, he's your best friend."

"Dad, he tried making me choose him over Harry, best friends don't do that." I say with temper in my voice.

"I don't think he actaully wanted to, I think that maybe he just wanted to know that no matter what he's still your best friend."

"I didn't think about that."

"You see, I mean really sweetie why would he make you choose knowing youd be unhappy either way because you'd be losing someone you cared about. So that's why he probably said it just to have closer knowing that he's still important to you." My dad was right, I didn't even think about it that way. Aron may have just wanted to know that he's still important in my life and that I still cared.

I can't call Aron at the moment because I know he's probably busy with either school or work, plus I wanna talk to Harry about this.Yes i wanna talk to Harry about it, he can help me decide what to do. I tried calling Harry, but it didn't answer which means he's busy so I went upstairs put on some clothes and covered my thin hair with a beanie and headed off to where he works.

When I get there he's working on a car, I get out and begin walking over to him. He see's me and raises from the hood of the car, I'm sorry but I love when I see Harry like this. Greased and oiled hands, some of which has gotten on his face from working on cars. I find it very attractive.

"Hey babe, you alright?" He asks as he walks over and kisses me.

"Yeah, do you have a mintue to talk?"

"I always have time for you, come on." He leads me over to sit in the chair against the wall of the garage and he pulls one infront of me and sits down.

"Dad talked to Aron."

"Is everything okay?"

'Yeah yeah, he just said that Aron misses me is all." Harry's face goes from happy to see me, to concerned, to what the fuck. I don't think he's mad that he misses me, he may just feel like since Aron did me wrong then why is he missing me?

"He said that?"

"That's what my dad said, he also said that he doesn't think Aron really wanted me to choose between him and you. That maybe he just wanted to know if I still cared enough for him by choosing him."

"I never thought of that."

"Yeah me either, so I'm just basically confused on what I should do at the moment." I say and Harry smiles.

"Call him, babe."

"Really? Should I?"

"Course, talk to him and invite him over for dinner one night and we can all talk about things. You know like figure out everything that happened." That is actually a good idea, but what if something bad happens?

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