Chapter 17

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We race to the hospital, Harry's driving because he's the only one who's able to fight back tears so he can see everything. Dads in the passenger seat and I'm in the back trying to calm my breathing. When we reach the hospital Dad jumps out before the car stops and I get out after him. I hear Harry say he's gonna park the car and meet us inside and I tell him okay.

"Hello, yes um Karen Baker. She's my wife where is she?" My dad says without taking a breath. The lady at the desk looks through papers and her computer.

"Yes, well she's in surgery on the 9th floor."

"Thank you!" My dad says and we run to the elivators, Harry just ran in and see's us and joinss us while we wait for the elivator. Dad is pushing the button constantley trying to make the elivator come quicker. When it finally arrives, we run in and ride it to the 9th floor, when we get off my dad runs to the nurses desk and Harry and I stand near the waiting room for my dad to come over to us.

"She is still in surgery and it's going to be a few hours before we can see her or even talk to the doctor." My dad says and then curses under his breathe. 

"Well is she okay at least can they tell you that?!" I shout.

"They can't tell me anything Melanie! They don't have anything to tell me!" He shouts back and I'm running to the nurses desks.

"Tell me if my mom is okay right now!"

"Sweetie we don't know anything to tell -"

"Then you go and ask that damn doctor and then tell us! That's my mom!" I shout and I feel Harry wrap his arms around me and try to pull me back but I move out of his grip.

"I understand that dear but there's nothing we can-"

"You don't understand! Please that's my mother in there!" This time Harry is picking me up and I kick to get away but he's holding me to tight. He carries me into the back of the waiting room and sits me in a car and then hold my arms so I can't get up.

"Melanie you need to calm down."

"Harry it's my mom!"

"I know babe but yelling and fighting me and the nurses isn't going to help, so you need to stay calm not only so you don't get kicked out of the hospital but also so you don't upset yourself so badly that your meds act up and put you in the hospital. No one wan't syou and your mom in the hospital now do we?" He's so calm but only because he's trying to keep me calm.

"I'd rather be in here than her Harry, I can't have my dad lose my mom and I both."

"He's not going to lose either one of you, love. I promise she's going to be okay and the doctor will be out in a bit to tell us whats going on." I lay my head in the crook of Harry's neck and my tears fall even harder. He's right, I can't do anything to hear how she's doing so all I can do is wait. He hugs me tightly and rubs my back.

"I'm gonna um, call some family to let everyone know whats going on." My dad says as he walks over to us, I look up and nod at him. Harry and I sit there and dad calls family, soon people on dads and moms side of the family start showing up. They all hug dad and I and introduce themselves to Harry.

My grandma, my moms mom, when she shows you can tell she's been crying hard. Usually she's pretty tough about things. I've seen her cry like three times, when she found out I had cancer, when my grandpa died and now. She hugs my dad and they talk for a minute then she comes over to me and hugs me so tightly.

"Hello sweetie." She says.

"Hi grandma."

"You know I've never cared for your mothers driving. I always told her to drive more carefully." This is her way of trying to lighten the mood, but she can also be a bit harsh when it comes to my mom. She's always felt like mom should be more strict on me.

"I know grandma." I fake smile.

"Who's this young man?" She looks at Harry and he stands to greet her.

"Hello, I'm Harry."

"Hello dear."

"Grandma this is my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? Oh dear your way to young to be dating."

"I'll be 18 in a couple months grandma."

"Mhmm and how old is he?"

"He's 18."

"Oh no dear way to old for you I suggest-"

"Uh Julia, lets not get into this here. With everything that's going on I don't think this is the right time to talk about this." My dad inturupts. I mouth thank you and he nods as the two of them walk away.

"I'm sorry Harry, she's just strict."

"It's okay I understand darling." He brings me into his arms and kisses my forehead. After about an hour and a half of waiting I start to get hungry and Harry offers to go and get me food from the cafateria I deny but he insists. I nod and smile and then he goes around to my family asking if anyone wants him to bring them back anything. My cousins go with him to helo bring back things everyone wants. 

My aunt Leanna comes and sits next to me and wraps one of her arms around my shoulders.

"You know your mom and I met back when she first started dating John, the day he met her he called me and said "Leanna, I finally met her, the women I'm gonna marry." And I laughed because I never thought my brother would actually find someone who would wanna marry his weird ass. But Karen loved and still loves him, them two were always something when I was around them. You know I never thought I'd ever seen john so happy with someone, your mother is a great women. I'm thankful she came into his life and made him so happy and I'm so thankful that they had you."

"Thank you." I smile.

"And that boy of yours, Harry. Damn girl. He's so cute and he's a sweet boy!" She laughs and so do I.

"Yeah he's a really great guy."

"I know, I was talking to your dad about him. He's seems really good for you Melanie."

"He is really good to me, he cares so much about me and helps me when I get sick or when I have those accidents in the bed and he never laughs at that either which is great. He just helps me get into the tub and get clean sheets. He does so much for me and I feel like I can't do much for him because of how I'm sick and because of how weak I am." She grabs my cheeks gently with her hands and looks me in the eye's.

"Hunny, you do so much for him just by breathing, this boy has been with you through your sickness and has done so much for you. He wouldn't do any of that if he didn't care about you."

"Yeah but what if one day he stops caring but feels obligated to stay with me because of how I'm sick? Then what?" 

"You'd know if he stopped caring about you, you can always tell by the way he sounds when he speaks to you."

"Really?" I say and we look over when we hear Harry and my cousins asking who wanted what food or drink, then Harry looks over to me and smiles and winks. I smile and blush.

"And baby girl, the way he looks at you, tells me he ain't going no where." She smiles and kisses my cheek. Harry brings me my food and my aunts coffee and we all sit there and eat and talk for about another hour until we hear the doctor.

"Karen Bakers family?" We all stand and rush over to him, my dad and I stand right infront of him and I grab Harry's hand and oull him close to me. He can tell I'm scared so he holds me close and tightly.

"How is she? Can we see her?" My father asks.

"Actually..." The doctor pauses and my heart drops.

Uh oh! Whats gonna happen!?!?! Is she okay or is she not okay!?! AHH! Sorry I know I'm leaving you with a cliff hanger but hey, thats the point is to keep you on your toes! Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter! Love you guys!XXXX

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