Chapter 8

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"Harry, Harry." i woke up in the middle of the night with a pain in my chest that feels as if it's twisting and it's making it hard to breathe.


"What? What's going on?!" He jumps up rolling over saying back to me.

"I ... can't ... breathe..." I'm barely able to speak, Harry standing only in his boxers, picks me up bridal style and out of my room.

"Karen! John!" Harry shouts as he runs down the stairs.

"John! Karen! Damnit something in wrong with Melanie!!" With that, my parents come running down the stairs and everyone crowds around me while I lay in Harry's arms still. Everyone keeps saying things but I can't understand them, not because everyone is talking at once, but because everything is getting slow. 

I close my eye's for a slpit second it feels like and I'm in the back seat of the car with mom and Harry holding while dad drives. I look at mom and she's crying and then I look at Harry and I see him crying while mouthing "Stay with me!" That's what it looks like he's saying but I don't know I can't really hear him. 

I open my eye's again and I'm on a bed going down a hallway in the hospital, I see mom, dad and Harry running next to me on the bed and then the next thing I know, their gone. 

Now I'm dreaming, the reason I know is because everything I'm seeing isn't real. I'm in some random room in a house maybe? The sun is shining through the window and there is someone laying on the bed. I hear laughing I look over and someone is walking in the room, their face is blocked by the light from the sun, as well as the person on the beds face.

The person crawls in the bed with the other and they start play fighting, the laughter sounds so sweet and it sounds so happy. The sun is still blocking their faces which makes me sort of mad because I want to know who they are. Out of now where there is a little kid running in and crawling into the bed and into the arms of the couple.

"What is this?" I say, and everyone looks and me, kind of weird actually. The male figure gets of the bed with the women and child and walks over to me. Still unable to see his face he leans down to my ear and starts saying my name quietly.

I wake up and see Mom, dad, Aron and Harry next to the hospital bed, Harry is holding one of my hands while mom holds the other. Aron is at my feet with his head on my legs and dad has his head on moms shoulder rubbing her back.

"What happened?" I say and everyone looks up with red eyes and runny noses.

"Shh it's okay, you had a reaction to the new medication they put you on." Mom says while rubbing my head.


"It was something that messed with the other medications your on, thats what the pain in your chest and breathing loss came from. Your brain went into shock from the medication reacting with the others which cause all of this."

"Whats going to happen now?" I ask.

"Your going to be alright." Dad says, I look at Aron and smile and he smiles in return. then I look over at Harry who is wiping his nose and eye's with tissues. I tighten my grip on his hand.

"I was so scared babe." He says, which causes me to tear up.

"So was I." 

"I thought I was going to lose you for a minute." He says and a tear falls down his cheek.

"Your not getting rid of me that easily." I say and he smiles then leans down and kisses me.

I have to stay at the hospital for a day or so to make sure the medication is out of my system and wont interfer with my other medications. I don't tell anyone about the dream I had, not even Harry, I'm still trying to figure it out myself really. it's weird, I couldn't see anyone's face and there was so much love and happiness. Everything just seemed so unreal, the child that ran in shocked me because out of everyhting I did not see that coming. Then the man walking over to me and whispering my name repeatedly in my ear was weird, I just don't understand.

"Was you really scared?" I say to Harry, everyone has fallen asleep, it's just Harry and I now. I asked him to lay in the bed with me so he could hold me, I knew he would've anyways.

"I was terrified, I mean deep down I think I knew that you would've been okay because I know your a fighter. But, I was so scared, I didn't know what to do I didn't know what to think or say. All that I kept thinking was, this isn't real this isn't happening and all I kept saying was for you to stay with me to keep fighting."

"I don't remember much, everything was going by so slow but it was like everytime I opened my eye's I was somewhere new. I was scared because I thought that I was leaving you when I don't want to." Harry holds me tighter and kisses my head, I was so worried that I wouldn't ever get to see him again, that it was all over and there would be no more of me. I know I used to say that if I died I would be okay with it because I've come to terms with knowing I won't live forever, but now, I don't want to die.

And it's because I don't want to leave Harry, he has made me feel so alive within these past few months than I have ever felt in my whole life. He brings life into my world and makes me feel like I'm healthy and that we are like other couples who go through what couples go through. He is everything to me.

"Melanie?" Harry says.


"I know this isn't the ideal place for this and I know we've only been together for a few months, but you need to know something babe." He says and I roll over to face him.

"What is it baby?"

"Melanie, I care about you so much and I just, I pfffff I don't know how to say this ha-ha." He laughs and I smile and kiss his lips.

"Harry, it's okay, I feel the same." He smiles and kisses me, I know what was on his mind but he seemed scared to say it, which is adorable that he was nervous because he's usually not nervous to say things but this is different. It's not an easy thing to say. hell I haven't even said it.

Hey!! Sorry it's been soo long! I've been busy planning for things!! But I hope you like this chapterand the next chapter in the authors note I have a surprise to tell you ( about this fanfic) lol anyways hope everyone is well and thank you for the reads babes!!!! XX

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