(1) "We've got a new bassist for the band!"

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It had only been a week since Murdoc had been sent to prison, but 2D had visited him everyday since. The bassist liked to pretend that the short conversations with the singer everyday were boring and tedious, but in all honestly, it's the only thing that got him through the day. Today was the same as always, he had gotten called down for their talk and sat in his seat across from the blunette, the window of glass separating them. Stuart excitedly picked up the phone and waited until Murdoc had the receiver at his ear.

"Hey Mudz!" 2D basically shouted into the phone. "Big news today! But first, how are you?"

The satanist rolled his eyes at Stuart's enthusiasm, but deep down he found it adorable. "I'm fine, Stu. Same as always. What's the news?"

"We've got a new bassist for the band! Well, not as good as you obviously, but he's a good for now. And we're already starting to record a new album!" Murdoc was aggravated by how genuinely happy Stuart seemed about this.

"Well, I'm gonna be out soon. So he's not gonna be there for long. You know that, right?" The bassist looked at 2D, and there was a sort of desperation in his eyes. Like he wanted - no, needed - Stuart to agree with him, to tell him that he would be getting out soon and he'd be part of the band again.

"Well, yeah. But it could be a while and we really need to put out some music." Stu saw the expression on Murdoc's face fall. "B-But you'll be back soon! And our music will be even better."

The satanist forced a smile. "Thanks Stu...I'm gonna go now alright? See you tomorrow." He hung up the phone, waving and stepping away from the glass. He was escorted back to his cell, and Stuart left feeling guilty. He saw the way that Murdoc had reacted to the news and it wasn't what he expected. Wouldn't he want the band to keep going? 2D sighed and left the prison, thinking over what happened all the way home.

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