(15) "My head is killing me."

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Stuart woke up in his bed, a heavy weight pushing down on his chest. It was the bassist, sleeping soundly on top of him. A small smile crossed his face, and he quietly slid out from underneath the shorter man. He went into the kitchen to make breakfast, where he was greeted by three familiar faces in the kitchen.

"Hey, Stu." Russel patted him on the back as he headed back to his room. Noodle waved as well, without looking up from the video game she was currently involved in. Her headphones were jammed into her ears so 2D didn't bother starting a conversation. Ace leaned against the wall silently, but his eyes were fixed on the singer.

2D smiled at Russ to acknowledge him, pretending he couldn't feel Ace's eyes burning a hole through him. He got out some eggs from the fridge, yawning as he cracked them into a bowl. He put a pan on the stove, lighting the fire beneath it and waiting for it to heat up. He still faced the stove, not wanting to turn around and meet the other mans eyes. He poured the eggs into the pan after it was hot enough, chewing on his lip as he cooked them. He prayed in his head that Ace would just walk back to his room, but these prayers weren't answered. The new bassist tapped Noodle on the shoulder, giving her a 'shoo' motion with his hands. She rolled her eyes but obeyed, going into her room.

"So what's this, morning after breakfast?" 2D's face turned bright red, but he refused to turn around.

"No." He couldn't managed to get out anything else. Thankfully, Murdoc limped out of the room at the same moment. Stuart felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. Ace would definitely shut up now, right? Wrong.

"Limping pretty bad, old man. Did Stewie really fuck you that hard?" Murdoc growled, but he knew that if he started a fight in his condition it wouldn't end well for him. He ignored Ace and stood behind 2D.

"Do you know where the painkillers are from the hospital? My head is killing me." Stu nodded, taking the pan off the heat of the stove and going into a cabinet above the sink. He pulled out the clear orange bottle, emptying four into his hand and holding them out to the satanist. That's how many he took for his migraines, so he'd assume the dosage would be the same for for Murdoc. He really should have checked the label.

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