(8) "I don't like him like that."

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The fumbling of keys was heard at the door a couple hours later. It took unusually long for the door to be opened, but usual for someone who was wasted. Murdoc swung the door open, and it slammed hard against the wall behind it. Stuart was sleeping on the couch next to Ace, but was scared off it when he heard the door. Thankfully, Ace was a heavy sleeper.

"W-Wha....Mudz? Is that you?"

2D didn't get an answer. Instead he felt himself being pulled up off the floor by the hem of his shirt. Two strong arms lifted him off his feet, and he was carried bridal style into Murdoc's room.

Stuart was scared out of his mind, but he felt a little calmer when Murdoc placed him gently onto the bed and flicked the light switch on.

"Murdoc, what are you doing?" Stu could see dark circles under the green mans eyes, and his hair was a disheveled mess. The bassist shut the door and walked towards his singer.

"Didja sleep with him?" Murdoc's words tumbled out of his mouth, slurred almost to the of point no understanding.

"What? Sleep with who?"

"Ace, you bloody idiot." The bassist leaned in towards Stuart, and he could smell the whiskey on his breath.

"N-No!" 2D pushed himself further back on the bed, away from Murdoc. "No. I didn't. I swear."

The satanist crawled into the bed in front of Stu, pressing a finger to the light purple hickey on his neck. "What's this then, aye?"

Stuart flinched at the sensation of the finger against his skin, shutting his eyes tightly. "A-Ace did do it...b-but I made him stop! I don't like him like that..." A devilish grin grew across Murdoc's face. He knew it. Even in his drunken state he could remember how 2D looked at him before he was sent off to prison. Admiration, almost an almost lust in his deep black eyes. He'd always known the singer had a thing for him, but he felt it was better not to act upon it and risk messing up the band and their friendship. Until something -well, someone- almost ruined it. Murdoc knew he needed to take his chance while he had it, and the whiskey in his system gave him the extra push to connect his lips roughly with Stuart's.

2D gasped against the bassists lips, but he didn't move away. Unlike when Ace's lips touched him, this kiss warranted a kiss back. The blunette couldn't help himself. Murdoc and Ace were so similar, but the feeling Stu had for each person couldn't be more different. Sure, 2D loved hanging out with Ace and thought he was really fun. But there was something else towards the satanist. A hunger for him that Stu couldn't control. So he allowed himself to kiss Murdoc back, not thinking about any of the consequences that might come out of it.

Green With Envy (2Doc) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now