(16) "Sure, why not?"

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Murdoc happily ate breakfast with Stu, glad that his painkillers were finally kicking in. Like, really kicking in. The bassist felt a bit unsteady as he stood up. He kissed Stuart's temple gently, running a hand through the singers hair. "I'm gonna go lay down, ok?" 2D nodded, cleaning up both of their plates. Murdoc walked down the hallway to his room, stumbling a bit. He used the wall for support as he made his way down the corridor. He felt unusually tired. Ace noticed this.

When the satanist got into his room, he sat down on the edge of the bed. His mouth felt dry, so he took a swing of the closest liquid he had on his nightstand, a beer. Bad move.

Murdoc was only asleep for half an hour. But it felt like days. When his eyes opened, his head was spinning, he sat up slowly, a shit eating grin plastered to his face. He was high as a kite. No, he was past high. He felt like he wasn't even on this planet. Not only that, but he was also feeling like needed to get his rocks off. Badly. He shuffled out into the living room, looking for 2D. There was no sign of him anywhere. Frustrated, he groaned, pulling open the front door and going outside. He thought might as well get another drink until the dullard got home.

He walked into the same bar he had crashed in front off, simply because it was the closest one. Thankfully no one recognized him when he came in. His words were slurred when he ordered his whiskey, but the bartender still understood. Just as he took a sip, he felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned around, a bird with jet black hair and bright blue eyes stood before him.

"You're Murdoc Niccals, right? Like from Gorillaz?" Murdoc nodded, grinning widely at being recognized

"Sure am." He downed his whiskey, his head still spinning. He looked the girl up and down, smirking a bit. Black hair, blue eyes. Kinda reminds him of...

"Can I get you a drink? Or we can just...skip that.." Her hand traveled up the bassist's thigh slowly. "..and you could come back to my place.." She looked at him seductively, squeezing his upper thigh softly. Murdoc was dazed as hell, he could barley tell what she was hinting at. Normally, the minute she came up the satanist would have told her to piss off. But he was not himself right now. Not in the slightest.

"Sure, why not?"

Green With Envy (2Doc) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now