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2 Days Later.

Sophie's P.O.V

I was sat on a bed in a house which Tony had taken me to i was scared what was he going to do to me he had already done things to me which i never want to go through again. He had switched the news on the headline was " Singer Sophie Meers was last seen leaving the O2 on Saturday night her security have no clue where she has gone if anyone has seen or spoken to her please contact 999"

"T-tony please can i go home im scared" i said to him through tears

"I will take you home in a miniute i will drop you off in the middle of London so no-one sees me" he shouts.

10 Miniutes later we were in London "Now get out ill see you soon Sophie" he winks at me. i feel sick to my stomach i pulled my knee length  red coat around my body as i walk towards the studio which is around the corner from where i was. 

The receptionist was Claire we knew eachother very well after she had rang the police and my team i was back home with Joe... about 6 months later it was taken to court he was charged for  Kidnapping, Raping and assaulting me. After that i could never bring myself to go back to work and be out in huge groups of people i would panic and that is why me and Joe both decided for him to stop managing me so i could move on and try get my life back.

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