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While thoughts are running through my mind of whether to let him kiss me or not its too late Brads lips are on mine moving in sync with eacthother getting even more passionate as the seconds pass.

One of his hands on my cheek and the other slowly drifting towards my bum i realise im still only wearing a top 'this is defiantly happening' i think to myself.

Hes now leaving traces of his kisses all over my body before he pulls away and smirks down at me I dont know what the hell to do i smile and slowly beging to turn around he grabs my waist while he sits down on the edge of the bed then with his hands on my hips he pulls me on top of him and kisses me again "asif im leaving it there" he slowly mutters between kisses.

The kiss is getting even more heated back to the way it was before he pulled away previously his hands are all over me for the second time tonight.  He slowly starts pulling my top above my head while im straddling him in next to nothing. He throws my top across the room not even realising where it had gone we were back to it.

Moments later it was happening Brads ontop of me wearing absalutly nothing while he thrusts into me for about the 100th time going at 100 miles per hour. This was defiantly worth the wait after not having sex with anyone since Tony it felt good. 

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