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James P.O.V 

'someone i know and right now i wish i didnt'  What the hell is that supposed to mean who is he I need to find out and what the hell is Brad doing asking her and putting his hand on her leg thinking I cant see if I find out he has even kissed her i will go mad ive seen her in one of her worst states and that is something i dont want to see again and defiantly not because of Brad. I love Brad and everything hes my bestfriend but she is like my little sister and i dont want her hurt again I feel like i have to protect her.

" why did you ask her Brad its nothing to do with you, youve barely known her a few days"

"Nothing to do with me ofcour.." 

"why has it got anything to do with you Brad" raising my voice alot more than usual.

"b...because shes my friend" 

" a friend or another girl to add to your list?" i am beyond angry right now i am pretty sure he has slept with her actually im not sure i dont think he would do that to her let alone me he knows how much she means to me.

"here we go again"  he murmers and walks out of the room to go upstairs.

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