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"Does this look okay?" i ask while spinning around in a Black skirt and a matching top. Something basic but very effective. 

"Your arse looks massive not to mention your boo.." she says while being cut of mid sentance as a very angry looking James walks straight into my hotel room. He just stands there staring but then i realise that Beth is standing with no top on mid way through pulling her dress up over her hips. "Get out" i say not even thinking about what hes doing here. 

"where are you going dressed like that" James says with attitude purey annoyed and actinglike my brother all over again. But then Beth hypes up jesus no what is she going to say shes drunk as well as i am and by the way she looks at James she thinks hes fit. "she looks hot and is defiantly getting it tonight"  Beth giggles while finally finishing off adjusting her LBD which if i do say so myself makes her look amazing. Beth needs a boy in her life and right now seeing the way she looks at James is the person she is liking right now.

" she is not getting it at all" he says.

" well if shes coming to my party looking that HOT she will be heeey what are you doing toni" She says while finishing her drink.

"no Beth he is not coming" No way in hell i want to go out and have fun and yeah maybe 'get it' tonight.

"hmm party i love a good party" He smirks looking very cocky. "ill just go tell the boys to get ready where is the party" he questions while walking backwards towards the door.

"Mahiki ill put you all on the list"  she smiles and then hes gone.

"hmm yeah beth i fucking hate you right now" i say while taking my top off.

"why what have i done? hes hot and what are you doing" she questions

"im not coming hes not hot at all hes a twat and that twat is James " i say while raging towards the bathroom door.

"ooooh thats James protective, annoying, brother, father all at the same time BUT FUCKING FIT AS FUCK" she shouts not being horrible just very drunk and far to attracted to him before yet again the door swings open but not James its Brad this time

Brad Simpson (TONY)Where stories live. Discover now