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Brad's P.O.V 

One night of pleasure with Sophie and i feel crazy about her already, shes gorgeous, funny and so sexy. Wearing that black skirt and top right now is something else but if she weren't wearing it, JESUS lets not even think of what i would do to her.

Dan no way in hell is she taking this Dan home well to the hotel which i slept with her in last night.  The worst thing about this is i cant even act annoyed because James will know something is going on well something did but i guess nothing is now. 

Arriving at The club with the boys Sophie and her friend are nowhere to be seen 

"where the hell are they" James shouts through the music

"why does it matter anyway let the girls have fun" Connor says before heading to the bar to get a round of drinks.

" let the girls have fun fuck no Sophie is not having fun with no boy shes not ready for it" he damands

"how do you know if shes ready or not James youve missed out on so much of her life shes not a baby" I snapped back at him and he just glares at me I dont see why he has to treat her like a hild all the time shes old enough, and been through so much shit im sure a boy isnt going to be nothing compared to that.

Fuck this im not sitting here waiting for him to cause an argument again thinking that theres something going on with me and Sophie. There clearly isnt now, I turn around and head to the toilet but out of the corner of my eye I see Soph's friend doing shots so i walk over.

"hey wheres soph" I say while standing next to her

"ohhh hey Brad right urmm i dont know " she shouts through the music and looking around   "oh there with Dan" and there she was sat talking to Dan Dan who looks like an idiot and clearly not good enough for her.

As I walk over to her he puts his hand on her thigh and she instantly jumps and gets up beginning to walk away im not close enough for her to see me so i cant even go get her. He jumps up and grabs her wrist she stops in her tacks and shouts something and pulls herself away.

Sophie's P.O.V

Dan is an absalute bellend who isnt even Dan his names Ben. Ben who i slept with not long ago and who keeps stalking me no not stalking me thats not even funny cause ive been stalked but he texts me all day everyday. The shit he is saying right now is discusting telling me "lets go back to the hotel and ill show you a good time"  urm are you having  a laugh right now fuck off I cant be dealing with this im going back to the hotel and going to drink aa massive bottle of vodka to drink all my sorrows away.

"Soph whats wrong"  is all i hear that better not Dan I turn around and realise its Brad. where has he even come from I left him at the hotel.

"nothing ive got to go" I say while turning back around and heading towards the door

"go where ill come with you" oh my god how many offers tonight 

"whats the point making out you care your all the fucking same in it for one thing"  SHIT that wasnt supposed to sound that rude but this whole thing like being in a club getting drunk, dancing with boys isnt me im not like that i never have been im the girl who sits at home hair in a bessy bun, hoodys, joggers lying on the sofa watching films cuddles in my duvet thats me. I HATE DRESSES, SKIRTS EVERYTHING GIRLY.

and with that ive gone im jumping into the next taxi i see and Brads no where to be seen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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