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My heads spinning I guess I didnt realise how drunk I am this isnt good, god I make such a bad impression to people I bet Brad is regretting bringing me back what a way to ruin his night he was having fun now hes going to just go to bed and sleep that is the worst way to end a night out.

We have just got to my room Brad is trying to unlock the door which he is failing at hugely I take the key from his hand and stand infront of him and go to unlock thee door. As im unlocking it I feel his grip around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder after about 20 miniutes of us trying to open the door its finally open thank god I was getting to the point of I would sleep in the hallway it was annoying me to much.

Me and Brad are in my hotel room hes just standing on the balcony looking over the city of London while im trying to find my pyjamas but yet again im failing massively I dont think i brought them.

" why are you wearing leggings to bed Soph" Brad says furrowing his eyebrows and he walks in fron the cold.

" I left my pyjamas at home and have nothing else to wear" typical me.

" aah okay wait there ill be 2 mins" he says while walking out of my room.

" no brad im going to bed now ill see you tomorrow" and with that i turn the lights of and climb into bed and within Miniutes im dozing of into a deep sleep apart from the massive spinning going on in my head.

i wonder what Brads doing? 

sorry that my uploads are so short i just dont know what to fill them with.

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