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" Soph Soph Sophie " Brad is standing infront of me with cameras all around us i cant move because I thought he was Tony it scared me im standing here with my eyes welling up i dont know what to do Brad pulls me into his arms and whispers into my ear " Im so sorry i didnt think you would get upset with me saying that please come back inside"  i lift my head and look up to him " I cant do this ive got to go" i take myself out of Brads grip and begins to walk through the crowd of paps " Im not letting you go home alone its the other side of the city ill take you to our hotel and you can get some rest" Brad says while stopping me again.  

The paps were having a great night taking pictures of me and Brad hugging and me crying ohh here we go..

James's P.O.V 

We are all sitting with R5 in the VIP area I look over to Brad and Soph they seem to be getting on so well it wont be long before everyone starts saying about them being a 'cute couple' and having a 'ship' name for them maybe thats what she needs a boyfriend and I know Brad thinks shes nice he said to me earlier that she was cute and i know he wouldnt hurt her. 

Next thing i see is Brad whisper something to her and she gets up and leaves. where is she going i get up to go find her while Brad is still sitting there trying to think of what to do but Brad stops me " ill go get her i sort of put my foot in it" he says " dont let her leave alone Brad I trust you bro" he nods at me and walks through the crowd.

Brad Simpson (TONY)Where stories live. Discover now