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Considering Brads drunk  he actually sounds like he cares which is quite nice i havent had anyone care about me not it that kind of way obviously James does but hes like my brother so its not the same.

I agree with Brad and we get a car to take us to the hotel as we are sat in the car im shivering i only have a dress on  and its pretty late so its freezing Brad notices and pulls me into his grip, I just look up at him and say "thanks" he looks down and we are just looking at eachother he leans into me... omg are you serious.. yes Brad has just kissed me i kissed him back ofcourse. he pulled away and smiled I rested my head on his chest.

Next thing I know Brad is waking me up "Soph babe we are here" he whispers. I guess I had fallen asleep which is very strange for me because It normally takes me about an hour to get comfortable let alone fall asleep in a car . I slide myself out of the car and Brad puts his Jacket around my shoulder's and we walk into the hotel. There are Paps here aswell I used to hate being followed by the paps but it dont seem to fase them i guess they are just used to it.

But me i dont really like it i dont ever want to come back into the music industry as 'the girl Brad Simpsons took to his hotel' no no no but right now im far to cold to care so we just make our way inside the lift to go to our rooms. Luckily im on the safe floor as them.

In the lift its just silent but Brad is just hugging me notsaying a word.

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