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Brad's P.O.V

I dont regret sleeping with Sophie but i know James will go mad hes already said shes out of bounds to us because she has finally just started getting her life back on track and dont want a relashionship with a boy setting her back. I fully understand that but it's just last night she was upset and felt so uncomfortable and i just liked the thought that she liked someone caring about her other than her Uncle and James.

"Brad shut that phone up" James shouts at me while trying to get some more sleep

"i cant its Sophies i brought hers by accident"  with that James gets up and goes to try unlock her phone

"James you cant go on her phone"

"im trying to put it on silent she wont mind she dont have anything to hide" with that James had figured out her password and  is looking on her phone which i think is so rude "James dont read her messages"  I shout getting out of bed to have a shower.

"shut up Brad someone called Ben keeps asking her where she is cause hes worried about her who the fuck is Ben" That is the point who is Ben ? has she got a boyfriend? oh my god i seriously hope not im not the kind of lad to sleep with someone elses  girlfriend.

Brad Simpson (TONY)Where stories live. Discover now