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I just look at Brad so many thoughts going through my mind I dont know what to do " u-umm ive got to go" I just get up and walk away making my way out of the VIP area its huge as i enter the next room I hear a very familiar song playing OMG OMG OMG its my song a song which I brought out as my first single why is it playing in a nightclub so long after it was released I never even thought people listen to it nowadays. I get stopped out of my daydream where i have frozen in the middle of loads of people when i hear Brad " Soph Soph stop" I just carry on walking, I know this makes me sounds stupid but its so hard having to deal with this.

I make my way out of the double doors into the centre of London there are paps everywhere I know  James and the boys are 'Famous' now but i never think of them actually being famous i still think of James as the boy i used to know its strange. Ive never been around paps since 'that night' i just completly blank them out and walk straight through them they were all shouting my name " Sophie Sophie look here " from all directions I wouldnt of even thought that they rememeber me  that is strange but then I feel someones hand grab mine from behind I freeze...

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