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Next thing I knew Brad was jumping off me because we heard someone at the door Thank god he locked it when he came back else whoever that is will of caught us in the act and Jesus it cant be James he would flip big time not because its Brad but because hes like my brother he wants to protect me no matter what which i do understand but i feel like he is constantly there watching my every move.

"Wheres my top?" Brad whispered while buttoning his jeans.

" i dont know maybe you should look next time where you put it" i smirked and he just shook his head with a giggle.

KNOCK KNOCK  for the 3rd time now on the door we are dressed and up trying to look like nothing had been going on I open the door to James " Hey just came to make sure you got back ok, Brad why are you still here" he questioned " weve just been chatting i was waiting till you guys got back so i wasnt bored" he said "oh okay well are you okay Soph what did this idiot say to you" Refurring to Brad which i had completely forgot about guess we both got caught up in the moment " nothing you need to worry about hes apologised now" i assured him with James pulled me into a hug and said night before he started to walk to his room "Ohh and Soph if fans see you with Brads famous Jumper on they will thinks somethings happening and lets me fair thats not going to happen " 

OMG ive been stading here in Brads jumper and i didnt even know " well if you hadnt of come and ruined the moment i wouldnt be "  I felt like saying but i didnt i just said night to them both, and closed to the door seconds later there was a knock on the door OMG CANT I JUST PLEASE GO TO SLEEP!!!

"im sorry babe i just didnt want you to think thats all i was here for, but i dont think we should tell James" 

"i totally agree he will flip go get yourself to bed ill see you tomorrow" i said while pulling him into a hug while he kisses me on the cheek I then close the door and head to bed.

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