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Maybe the whole ' watching the world go by' thing isnt the best im currently sat with tears rolling down my face not even trying to stop them. I realise that sitting in a park is just going to scare children away so i get myself up of the bench but im instantly stopped when i walk into some not just someone but Brad.

"Sorry" he mutters quietly but loud enough for me to hear. But then realising its me he has nothing but sadness in his eyes "Sophie" he says while putting his hand on my arm to comfort me obviously realising i had been crying but i dont say a word i just disconnect our eyes and turn on my heels and begin to walk away. To my suprise he didnt come after me in a way im a bit annoyed that he didnt but also i need some space so im pleased. 

Today im going have a me day i dont get them very often because ive always got someone around me aasking if im okay and today is the day where im going to forget it all not the argument but Tony. I dont mean forget like fully forget because something which has had such an impact on my life cant be forgotten but maybe for a few hours it can.

Im currently sat having my nails done after a few hours of shopping lets just say i may of spent a bit to much hell no i spent faaaar to much. From Skirts, Underwear, Perfume down to Pyjamas and some shoes ofcourse oops is all i can say but its actually my money.And no not money from working in the Restaurant money from singing i never managed to spend it due to being house bound. I think its always good to have a good spend. 

The best thing about today is that i bumped into one of my old friends Beth and she has been with me all day. Shopping, talking and now on our way back to the hotel to get ready oh did i forget to mention it may be her birthday tonight and shes invited me out with her in Mahiki in London shes throwing a party. I thought it would be something good for me to do be in a crowd of peope without the boys who constantly ask if im okay. 

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