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So thats how i came to be a waitress after loosing everything i needed something to live for which is when my uncle asked me to move in with him so i wasnt alone. I began to work with him and im now a pretty good chef if i say so myself but i waitress alot more so it gets me talking to more people and then hopefully i can get back on stage and get my old life back. There is nothing better than being able to look over across the crowd to see smiling faces and people singing back the words to your songs.

Sophie's P.O.V 

Today is a hard day for me its 5 years since everything happened so im a bit down in the dumps Pops ( which is what i call my uncle) has been great hes just like what i imagined my dad to be like he died when i was 4 he had a weak heart nd passed away.

Even though im feeling down ive got to the point where i have to get on with things so ive been working in 'PapaJoes' since 11am its now 7pm  so im really tired but ive got to sing for a regular couple Michael and Rosa its there 50th anniversary.

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