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"That was James which means your Brad...Heeeey your as cute as she said" I am mentally facepalming myself right now while shaking my head.

"hmm maybe i should meet you there, but please wear that cause my friend Dans coming and he is right up your street" she says while  hugging me which makes me realise i have no top on which makes me search for one but i cant find it faffing about trying to find it she says by to Brad and closes the door behind her. 

Im currently leaning over my suitcase finding a top which is completly failing right now until i feel 2 cold hands on my hips which make me jump out my skin and im instantly spun around and Brads lips are pressed onto mine within seconds I reluctantly push him of while placing my hands on his chest. He just looks down at me while biting his lower lip. "dont" i say while finally finding my black top which i had on previously. He just smirks at me while im trying to untangle my top which isnt working sure to there being abotu 200 straps okay maybe not literally but you get it. 

"you know  you look alot better without that on" he says while steppping even closer to me now there was pretty much no space between us just looking down at me once again.

" ill let Dan be the judge of that bye brad" i say while quickly grabbing my phone and neclace of the side of the sink in the bathroom and walking out placing it arund my neck.

Brad Simpson (TONY)Where stories live. Discover now