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I was getting out of the van last just behind Brad all the others were ahead, I could feel myself panicking .

James P.O.V 

Its been great to see Soph again after so long we were honestly bestfriends we told eachother everything i feel like her protective brother, im so happy that she is finally back on track its taken so long but she is finally getting there. 

As i turned around to see where Soph was i could see by the look on her face she was panicking nervous scared i was far to ahead to turn back to get her there were hundreds of fans i didnt know what to do " Brad get Soph shes panicking" i should to Brad. I had told the boys everything that had happened just so they were aware of what she has been through shes the kind of girl to constantly put a brave face on but when shes behind closed doors she will cry herself to sleep.

as i said that to Brad he turned around and put his arm around her shoulder and led her through the crowd towards the hotel.

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