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Brad's P.O.V 

"brad BRAD " James shouts following me.

I turn around I cant lie to him but i dont want to make it worse for Soph

"WHAT" I shout back proberly alot ruder than intended

"Have you slept with" I cut him off before he even finishes "No so leave it okay go and see Soph"

I say before walking away out of the hotel pulling my Jacket hood over my head hopefully not being recognized my anyone.

Sophie's P.O.V 

I cant deal with talking to them about Ben its nothing to do with them why should i have to explain myself James needs to realise that I'm not actually his little sister and he hasn't got to know my business and watch me every second that I'm with him. I dont mean that in a horrible way but its just so hard having to tell him everything.

Ive been walking for about 10 miniutes now I didnt go to my room in the end I just went for a walk I need a breather and some time to think. Im not just sat on a bench in the park area just watching the world go by.

Sorry this is such a bad upload im not to sure where im going with this at the moment.

let me know what you guys think :)

K x

Brad Simpson (TONY)Where stories live. Discover now