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Sophie's P.O.V 

okay okay chill out i can do this i kept saying to myself but as i was following Brad he turns around to face me "chill out your fine come here" he says while putting his arms around me making sure that i was okay.

Arww hes so cute!!!

As we arrived in the reception of the hotel I found a seat and sat down to catch my breath, I reach into my bag and find my inhaler while taking deep breaths.

James P.O.V 

After getting into the reception i look over to where Soph was sitting she looked nervous but not a normal nervous it was more scared i walk over and sit next to her " You know you can tell me anything you know" i say while looking down, She just give me that look to say ' i know i can but i dont want to' she never likes to tell people whats really wrong incase they get anoyed about it but i like to know what she's thinking cause she will just bottle it up otherwise my mum always says " dont bottle things up else it will overfill and you wont be about to stop" which i guess is true.

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