7. - Surrender Your Heart

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1485 - York, England

Being the heir to the English throne, Zayn's life is always in danger. It has been that way ever sine he was a child. His mother always took extra precautions to protect him from poison and assassins, considering there were quite a few people who would love to see him dead.

There is a certain youthful recklessness that brings Zayn to go out like he was a regular person but he never goes unarmed. If he doesn't have a sword with him, at least a dagger could always be found on his person.

When someone bangs on Zayn's door at two AM when he isn't expecting anyone, it's only natural he grabs a sword before walking to his front door.

It is a bit stupid that he has no guards here but with the heightened situation regrading the war, he doesn't like to attract much attention.

Cautiously, Zayn walks from the library where he was reading, the sword unsheated in his hand but hidden behind his back. He unlocks the door, not knowing what to expect there.

When he opens the door, he nearly gets knocked over by Harry's drunken figure.

"My lover," Harry slurs, his arms already wrapping themselves around Zayn's neck. Zayn is forced to drop the sword on the ground in order to get his hands on Harry's hips to keep them standing upright.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn asks as he maneuvers to get the door closed and locked while not letting Harry fall at the same time. "Why aren't you at your birthday celebration?"

"I was," Harry smiles after he pulls away a bit to look at Zayn. "But I missed you. So I decided to come here."

"Are you alone?" Zayn asks because there is no way in hell Harry could've gotten here on his own in this state.

Harry shakes his head, the drunken grin still on his lips. "Ollie's with me."

"Who is Ollie?" Zayn asks, concerned now. After all, he might end up finding his death tonight.

"M'horse," Harry giggles and burries his face in Zayn's neck, attempting to leave a sloppy kiss on the skin.

"You rode a horse this drunk? Do you have a death wish?" Zayn exclaims, pulling Harry away from himself.

"I could ride you too, my lover," Harry smiles a bit maniacally, this time trying to kiss Zayn on the lips.

"Alright, you are going to sleep, that is what you are going to do," Zayn says and starts guiding Harry towards the staircase.

"No," Harry whines but still manages to follow Zayn up the stairs. "You are so mean to me."

"You will thank me later, love," Zayn says just as they get on the upper level. He wrangles with Harry to get him to bed but he manages to do it just fine, mainly takes to Harry's lack of sobriety. The inebriety wins and Harry's eyes get droopy as soon as his head hits the pillow, all the protests and attempts at escape left behind.

He lays Harry down in his own bed and takes his boots off before getting up to bring Harry a glass of water from a pitcher that's on chest of drawers further in the room. When he gets back to the bed, Harry's watching him.

"Could you please sit with me a moment?" Harry mumbles, his hand limply grabbing Zayn's. Zayn complies, sitting down on the side of the bed, his hand still in Harry's.

"I want you," Harry breathes out, tightening his grasp on Zayn's hand.

Zayn scoffs, pulling his hand away. "I am not fucking you when you are in this state of mind. Wait till the morning when you sober up and then we can talk."

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