18. - Tiff

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May 1485, Windsor Castle

Their meeting with the Regent, Melisende and the Privy Council got scheduled for quite early in the morning. The court is up and running at around seven in the morning and the squire sent to wake Harry and Zayn up announced that the meeting will start at 8AM sharp, which Zayn told Harry is quite unusual for the royal court. These kind of matters are normally discussed after lunch, unless there are some serious matters. Well, Melisende most likely believes this is one of those instances.

Breakfast is a quick affair for them because even if the situation isn't ideal, they chose to spend some time just ignoring the reality and lay together in bed while the morning sun shone on their bed.

The first night in Windsor Castle was... alright. Harry fell asleep shortly after breaking down last night, falling into a dreamless deep sleep, thankfully. His eyes were heavy from the crying even when he woke up when the sun was rising. Zayn was still asleep so Harry just watched him, so peaceful and calm, looking untouched by the war. He didn't look like a King who just fought in a war, he looked like the young man he is, free and happy. But unfortunately that is just a part of who he is.

The meeting is held in a large hall, one where the Privy Council usually meets. Harry and Zayn are the last to arrive, seeing as there are only two chairs left empty. Harry doesn't know these people by their face but he knows he can expect the Duke of Somerset here, Lord Audley and Duke of Exeter. A lot of important men of England that weren't with Lord Wawrick are sitting in this room right now.

Melisende is sitting at the head of the table with John on her right. The other side of the table is empty and Harry assumes this is how the meetings always went for Zayn - facing his Mother from across the table. And now, Zayn sits there once again, only this time Harry is right by his right hand. He isn't facing Melisende alone and he will never have to again.

"May we begin?" Melisende asks coldly. "Now that our Princes have finally gotten their arses out of bed. You are not on a honeymoon and if you want to rule a kingdom, act accordingly."

"We are right on time, Mother," Zayn matches her coldness. "I would appreciate if we got to matters that are actually important."

Melisende hums. "I wish to see your marriage certificate first."

Harry nearly sighs but he just looks at Zayn and subtly rolls his eyes while taking out said certificate out of his inner pocket. While waging a staring war with Melisende, Harry hands the certificate to a page to bring it to her. When she gets it, she unrolls the scroll, reading carefully, even going as far as touching the seal that the Abbot put at the end of it. Harry expects her to rip it but he wouldn't bat an eye because there is a copy of it hidden in their chambers. They knew that their marriage would be doubted wherever they look so the least they could do was ask Abbot Dominic for two marriage certificates in case one of them got destroyed.

To Harry's, and probably everyone else' surprise, Melisende doesn't rip the document. She merely sets it down on the wooden table and glares at Harry again.

"So you are married," she drawls. "Do you have witnesses of your consummation?"

Harry desperately wants to ask her is she needs them to fuck right on this table to believe them, but he quite likes having his head on his neck so he decides against it.

Instead, Harry smiles sweetly at her. "Of course, Your Grace."

Melisende sighs, rubbing her fingers over her forehead. "Bring the document."

The page takes a long scroll along with a quill and ink from a desk in one of the room's corners, presenting it to John at first. He just signs it without looking at it. After that, the page promptly picks everything up and sets the things in front of Harry and Zayn. Harry is stunned to see that they are both being declared Kings now. Along with the mention of their marriage, the document states that Harry is the 4th in line and he has his own claim too. Even with that in place, it is clearly says he is King now because of the marriage. It is also said there that with their signatures, an unconditional peace is in place and whoever dares break it, will be declared a usurper and will meet the worse fate a traitor can meet. How this document got through Melisende, is beyond Harry but he is immensely grateful this is happening and that the peace if not just a dream anymore.

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