31. - Summer Sun

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July-August 1486 -- Castello Marrone, Positano

After Florence, they retreat to a small coastal town of Positano, not far from Genoa for what's supposed to be their long overdue honeymoon. Being English, they're not really used to this kind of summer heat but it's not unwelcomed. Without any official duties and meetings with royals and nobles, they can walk around the little town in just breeches and thin shirts all the time.

It's bliss. There are no other words for the beautiful town, the sea and the sheer peace around them. With letters coming from Windsor, Melisende and the Privy Council assuring them that everything's more than fine, they can enjoy living without worries for the first time in their life. They know it's a bubble that is going the burst the second they get on the carriage, ready to embark on their way home, but why tarnish the time with these thoughts while they still have it?

They're staying in a new Castello on top of a hill, looking above the small colourful town. It's surrounded by beautiful gardens full of flowers and fruit trees where they often hide in the shade from the ruthless midday sunlight. They've gotten used to siestas in the afternoon and late mornings, enjoying breakfast without anyone knocking on their door to hurry up because they've got a meeting or other business to attend to.

Harry absolutely loves the market in town, mainly because of the people who are some of the nicest individuals he's had the chance to meet. The townsfolk are very welcoming and kind. After the initial shock of having royals in their little town, many of the old ladies sitting in the town's square started talking to Harry and Zayn like they were their long lost grandsons. They know all the latest gossip thanks to them, even though they have no clue who the gossip is actually about. This also gives them an amazing chance to learn the local language better, gaining at least some sense of fluency.

During a slow morning one day while they were strolling the small harbour, a few old gentlemen attempted to teach them how to fish which didn't go very well. Hunting is much, much more entertaining and requires less skill. Still, it was quite a fun thing to try.

The small town truly feels like paradise. Their Kingship doesn't really matter here and it surprises Harry how much happier he is when he doesn't have to run a country. From the church bells chiming every morning, lunch and evening, to the fresh fruits and fish on their table each day, it's a place that they will be leaving with a very heavy heart. The simplicity of this life here isn't something Harry thought he'd ever want but with no balls to attend to or any fancy parties to get drunk at, Harry finds that he doesn't miss them at all.

Court life is like a coin that never stops spinning. You don't get a single minute to breathe out and thousands of eyes are watching your every step. With being King, the whole country watches him and even though their reign has been short, it has exhausted Harry to the point where he sought silence like it was air that was keeping him alive. He hopes that these few months away from courts and intrigue and plotting will help him come back and rule again.

"What is the stupidest thing you've ever done?" Harry asks Zayn as they're walking through the cobbled narrow streets that create the little town. It's nearing the end of another beautiful sunset so the town is almost deserted. They're hand in hand and even this simple moment is like paradise to them.

"Stupidest?" Zayn wonders. "Marrying you, probably."

"Hey!" Harry nudges Zayn with his elbow, all faux offended. "I am serious."

Zayn turns to him with a cheeky smile, knocking their shoulders together. "I'm just joking. That was my smartest and best decision. But, really, the stupidest thing I've ever done is... getting drunk and riding a horse on the castle walls in Skipton."

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