23. - Realisation

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October 1485 - Windsor Castle

Harry's been watching Lord Wawrick like a hawk for a month already. He doesn't seem to have any allies on the court, at least not yet. There aren't many people that came to court after Harry's arrival, except for his Mother and some of her ladies in waiting. And Helen, of course. Lord Wawrick slithers around the castle, straining his ears to hear any gossip and information he could use against Harry. And Harry's been avoiding him. Juliana too, for that matter. Ever since he found out about the child, she's been unbearable, pressuring him about seeing Bedwyr any time Harry finds himself around her. She claims that Bedwyr could find out if he was having a son or not but Harry doesn't want to know, not that he thinks that wacky priest could find it out.

And if Harry's watching Lord Wawrick like a hawk, Melisende might as well grew another pair of eyes. She at him with poison when he first started circling around her and Harry knows for a fact that all the spies she has in the castle are following every step Lord Wawrick takes. He's responsible for the death of her husband, she knows that he's there only to hurt her and everyone she cares about.

Harry reluctantly accepted the invitation to breakfast with his Mother and Lord Wawrick. He lies in bed longer than he should because he dreads it.

"Love, are you not getting up today?" Zayn asks, fully dressed as he sits on the side of the bed. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I feel fine," Harry sighs. "I don't want to see my Mother and Lord Wawrick. I wanted to bring you along but they insisted I come alone. What I they murder me?"

"Baby," Zayn chuckles and kisses Harry's forehead. "They will not murder you. Juliana is your Mother, she loves you."

"She does," Harry agrees. "She has also tried to make me drink fertility potions and still thinks sessions with that charlatan are a good idea. Not to mention that Lord Wawrick is her husband."

"I will send extra guards there, hm?" Zayn asks, his hands in Harry's hair. God, how Harry wishes they could stay here all day on their own. They weren't even on a honeymoon yet. And with the baby, he doubts they will have the time for honeymoon that soon.

"Please do," Harry says quietly. "Kiss me again before you leave?"

Zayn just smiles at him, bending down to place a short kiss on Harry's lips. Harry tries to keep him down with a hand on the back of his neck but Zayn pulls away regardless, mumbling something about a meeting with dignitaries of the Scottish King. Harry should've been there too if it wasn't for his Mother.

"Stall the meeting a bit?" Harry pleads. "I will get away from the breakfast as fast as I can and I will join you. I do not want the reputation of someone with no political impact. But my Mother will not budge and I need to visit her."

"Sure," Zayn nods. "I will wait for you as you get ready and then I can walk you to your Mother's chambers?"

"That would be perfect," Harry smiles and he already feels a bit better about facing his Mother and Lord Wawrick.


Juliana and Lord Wawrick are already seated at a table with food in front of them when Harry walks in.

"And he comes at last," Lord Wawrick bellows. He doesn't even stand up to bow. If Harry had an hour less of sleep he would've made him kneel but he won't tarnish his mood right now.

"My day doesn't revolve around you, Lord Wawrick," Harry replies calmly as he takes a seat.

"Harry, sweetheart, please be nice to Nathaniel," Juliana begs. "At least today."

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