26. - Aftermath

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December 1485, Windsor Castle

Harry cries for an eternity. He can't focus on what all the people around him are saying. While he felt like his body was being ripped apart, the only thing he could hear was Zayn's voice. It guided him through this nightmare and he got to the other end. Zayn's holding him as Harry cries into his chest. It's loss, it's pain, it's betrayal. His entire body hurts, even the tips of his fingers. He can feel blood getting crusty and sticky and he feels like he just got off a battlefield, wounded and bleeding and barely alive.

"You are alright, my love," Zayn whispers before kissing the top of his head. "Everything is going to be fine."

"Our baby is dead," Harry mumbles. "I didn't- I know I didn't want him at first but I didn't want him to die now that he was here."

"It is not your fault," Zayn says. "Wawrick poisoned you, love. This was not your fault."

"I am going to kill him," Harry sniffs, finally takes a look over the room as he lifts his head off of Zayn's chest. "He had no right to hurt me like this."

The room is a chaos, with servants and maids running around. The doula and the physician are in the corner together. When she notices that Harry's not crying anymore, she gives him a sad smile and comes closer.

"Your Grace, I am so sorry for your loss," the doula says. "We tried so hard to save the little Prince but he was not ready for the world yet."

Harry only nods, aware how terrible his face must look like after crying for so long.

"Would you like to hold him?" she asks then.

Harry goes hysterical. "Would I like to hold my dead child? No, fuck, I would not like that one bit. God, how could you even ask me that? Fuck. Get out. Actually, everyone please get out of the fucking room. Get the fuck out!"

When Zayn goes to stand up, Harry pulls him close to himself. "Not you."

Once the room is empty except for the two of them, Harry finally feels like he can breathe again. He takes a few deep breaths, closing his eyes to gather his mind before opening them, determined to face the situation.

"Alright, what happened?" Harry asks Zayn, his hand still holding Zayn's wrist.

"You went to lunch with Wawrick, do you remember that?"

Harry nods.

"He poisoned you," Zayn says with a sigh. "The physician said it was just pennyroyal tea that is used to get rid of unborn babies and sleeping draught with opium to keep you unconscious so the baby could not be saved with an antidote."

"That fucking-" Harry huffs out a breath. "I knew he was acting too nice. He has never been this polite and nice to me. God, this is fucking disgusting."

There's silence then as Zayn continues to hold Harry. The embrace might be the only thing in the world keeping Harry together right now.

"You know," Harry says after a moment has passed. "I never felt like the child would live."

"What do you mean?"

"I just- Ever since I found out, I could not fathom the child being born and growing up. It felt like a dream, the whole time since the moment I found out. When I felt him move a week ago, I didn't... I did not know how to deal with it. I guess it was a gut feeling or a sign, I don't know. But I think it is better this way. God knows I would not have been a good father to the boy. When we have a child, we will be ready. I will never rush again. When we both feel like it, then we will provide an heir."

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