33. - Bittersweet Happiness

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Spring - Summer 1487 -- England

When there is no commotion around the supposed threat, Harry and Zayn move on like nothing happened. Melisende's spies are still at all the right places, they're monitoring the minuscule opposition that is forming and life goes on. Even though they now have tasters for poison and their correspondence is usually received with anxiety because any letter might be another threat, their world doesn't turn on its head just because of some threats that every single monarch gets from time to time.

They've moved on to more exciting things, like building a new addition to the castle in the newest architectural style and also renovating some rooms. Mainland Europe showed them a shift in culture, new art and music and fashion that can only help England move forward in time. Not all of a ruler's duties are only about politics and taxes. Culture is an important part of society and Harry thinks everyone should have access to it. With the new printed books, thanks to this innovative technology from Germany, more and more people are able to buy books which is just wonderful. It would be great if they could, with time, of course, establish a library in every larger city. What could be even better, if there were more universities available for a larger part of England's citizens?

The new ideas in thinking, art and fashion are by most in Italy called the renaissance, because most of the inspiration is taken from Ancient Rome and Greece. Harry really loves it, mainly because the art is moving away from the church and so is the way of thinking. God has his place in churches and prayers. But he has to admit that the new art in churches in Europe was splendid.

Another threatening letter comes to them in March. Then another one in May. They disregard them because if someone was truly preparing to take them off the throne, they would have noticed. You do not stage a coup without someone noticing and most of those someones are Melisende's spies.

Despite that, they have kept a closer look on the court in general. With the rumours about their failure to provide an heir, they need to be careful because a King without an heir is weak in the eyes of the nobles. They've carefully sent people away from court, citing reconstruction and such. It's been a precarious game to play - balancing the reforms, keeping the nobles happy and rich and trying to prevent another civil war. On top of all that, there's still no child which is worrisome.

Other than these million things, business goes as usual.

"We are grateful for your hospitality during our stay, Your Graces," the Bohemian ambassador says before bowing. "I will be pleased to report back to our King so many positive things about the new peaceful England."

"It is our pleasure," Harry says. "Please, give your King our thanks for the gift."

"Will do, Your Grace," the ambassador says before bowing once more and leaving the throne room.

Harry breathes out, sagging in the throne now that they've talked to everyone that wished to see them today. He turns to Zayn with a pained look. "He was the last one, right?"

"Yes, love," Zayn smiles and reaches over to take Harry's hand in his. "We have no more obligations for the rest of the day."

"Thank fuck," Harry groans. "Why is everyone so fucking whiny? They come and whinge to us about any little inconvenience like we could fix everything wrong with the world just because we're sitting on these thrones and we have crowns on our heads."

"Alright, now you're winging," Zayn laughs. "Come on, it's beautiful outside. Let's go on a ride."

"That is not a terrible idea," Harry smiles and pushes himself off the throne, stretching when he stands up. "June is a wonderful time for outings. It's not too warm yet not too cold. And the sun stays up for ages. I wish it could be summer all year long."

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