20. - The Wrong Path

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June 1485, Windsor Castle

Juliana's arrival stirred up more bad than good. To an extent, Harry did truly miss his Mother but he has no clue that she was so deep inside of her delusions. At least she didn't bring Lord Wawrick along with her because Harry wouldn't have been able to get through all that. Now atop of all his worries about the nobles hating him, there's Juliana, practicing a pagan religion on the royal court. It's so fucked up Harry has no clue what to do.

At least she doesn't mind his marriage. When she arrived a few days ago, Harry and Zayn met with her after dinner and she behaved amazingly. Zayn liked her immediately and Harry could only force out a smile because what is he supposed to do? Tell him that his Mother is well on her way to becoming insane? He can't do that.

All Harry can do now to keep his imagine spotless, is pray in the chapel every single day. He needs to show that he is a good Catholic and not a pagan like his Mother. Not many people know so far because Juliana attended the Sunday mass but it's just a matter of time until they all find out. And what are they going to do when they hear of it? Accuse Harry of being a heretic.

He prays every single day for at least half an hour. He kneels right in the first pew, just like he is now, reciting all the prayers he knows. In a sense, he hopes all this worshipping will actually help him and he's not just doing it in vain to keep up the appearance. It's the least he can do. Besides, the time Harry spends here alone away from all his duties and the questioning eyes of courtiers is relaxing in a way. No one interrupts him and he can put his thoughts in order in peace.

"Never pegged you to be a someone who prays like a fool all day, Your Grace."

The voice makes Harry abandon his prayers and look behind him right away. He finds Helen standing in the middle of the chapel, smirking like there was nothing going on.

"Helen," Harry breathes out, standing out and walking to her right away. "You are finally here. I feared you would not come since you did not arrive with my Mother."

"Of course, I would come," Helen smiles, wrapping Harry in a hug. "I would not let you be alone here with all these nasty people. Court can be vicious. I knew I had to come."

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you," Harry sighs after pulling away from Helen. Their hands stay interlocked between them. "I am so lonely here. If it was not for Zayn, I would not have a soul to speak to. Well, now my Mother is here but she is not alright. All she talks about is Bedwyr and his insane drivel. I do not know what happened with her, she had not been this bad before I left."

"I am so sorry, Harry," Helen says. "But I need to tell you something before Melisende can use this against me."

Harry stills, pulling his hands away from Helen's grasp. This cannot be anything good. If Melisende can use it to tarnish Helen's name or use it, to break Harry's trust in Helen, whatever it is, it's dismal.

"What is it?" Harry asks cautiously.

Helen takes a deep breath, visibly distressed. "I was spying for her."

The world around halts. Harry blinks slowly, his vision nearly going black. Spying. Helen was spying for Melisende. This cannot be real. No, just... Harry must be asleep and this is just a nasty nightmare.

Helen says his name then and tragically, Harry isn't dreaming.

"How could you?" are the first words Harry musters up. "How could you pretend to be my ally when you were spying for a woman that wants me dead?"

"Harry, please hear me out," Helen begs. "It was not the way you think."

"Not the way I think?" Harry scorns. "You were a spy for Melisende. How else am I supposed to interpret it?"

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