34. - Unmasked

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Winter 1487-1488 -- England

Many things changed after the attempted attack. There wasn't a place except for the castle where they could feel safe. Fortunately, they were successful in shushing down the rumours about the attack so the people were calm and no one unsatisfied with their rule could feel inclined to join them. No King is perfect, Harry and Zayn both know it, but a resistance this soon after they've ascended to the throne? It wasn't like they are complete strangers who took over England in a bloody war.

No matter how they and Melisende's spies tried, they couldn't for the life of them find who E.N.N. is. Do they know him? Have they met him? Is he highborn or a peasant? Millions of questions without any answers.

Months pass without any new information. There are no signs of a large resistance forming which either means they're really good at hiding or there simply isn't enough people to join them. After all, the attack in September was carried out by eight men, all of whom were either killed or killed themselves when pressed for answers.

Yet there were no more letters. Months and months passed and not a single letter, note, anything. It was terrifying in a way. The silence could mean that they've given up. It could mean that the mysterious E.N.N. was killed in the attack. But it could also be the calm before the storm and they're preparing for even a bigger fight. All of these are very real possibilities.

The first visit to somewhere further than London is in December, just before Christmas. They can't get away with not travelling anywhere for so long and people want to see them, meet them, especially not that there's an heir on the way. As long as they've been Kings they haven't really ventured up north so this time, they're going to York to visit the annual Christmas market and attend the town's Christmas celebrations.

It's like a dream walking the streets of York again, cruising around the town that witnessed how their relationship flourished from hatred to unconditional love and adoration. The streets filled with snow, even more snowflakes falling down on their thick cloaks, it seems like it was truly yesterday when they met in a tavern and drunkenly fallen into bed together.

"I cannot believe we met here nearly three years ago," Harry tells Zayn as they're walking through the streets lined with stalls, people either staring at them or bowing slightly. "We were just kids and now everything is so fucking different."

"I know, it's crazy," Zayn sighs. Their gloved hands are clasped together between them as they walk leisurely, snow crunching underneath their boots.

"When I first met you, I never would have thought that we would end up together," Harry says with a chuckle. "And look at us. We have been married for more than two years and we are having a baby in three months."

"If we have not met and fallen in love," Zayn says, "we would have killed each other in the war. Maybe not soon. Perhaps we would have had children of our own already as our Fathers did. But maybe we would have both died in the Battle of Bosworth."

"I do not think Melisende would ever let me kill you," Harry laughs. "She would have found a way to get rid of me. Hell, I thought she would strangle me with her bare hands when we were already married."

"Don't underestimate yourself, love," Zayn says and squeezes Harry's hand encouragingly. "Shall we get back to the square? Lord Blackburn wants us to give a Christmas blessing, whatever that is."

"Surely," Harry nods. "I would not mind going back inside and sitting in front of a fire. We have been outside for hours, I can barely feel my fingers."

"We will go in a bit, don't worry love."

As they walk back, they decide to stop at many stalls to simply talk to people and they do end up buying a few trinkets which are given to their guards who are following them for safekeeping. It's nice, with wreaths and holly everywhere, carols carrying out their melodies through the streets, even if everyone's watching them like hawks. You do get used to it when it's been two years.

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