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Fall - Winter 1486 - England

Seeing the English soil after months is both joyous and bittersweet because they're leaving the peace and warm sun behind and once again facing their duties. The court welcomes them with a big celebration and an announcement of a tournament taking place in a few weeks to show how much England missed their Kings. Then it's just work, work and more work. It's not all bad because Harry finally gets back to training and he has his courtiers around again.

Juliana isn't at court at the moment, instead, she's spending time by the sea with her distant cousin Catherine. And John, Zayn's uncle, finally got married because he had been waiting to be off the throne. Other than that, there aren't many changes at court. Meetings go as usual, letters are sent to various royals, the funds are counted and the peace is kept. Possie grows fond of the sprawling Windsor castle, finding herself right at home.

In October, the celebratory tournament brings in hundreds of people to court. Big tents and a tribune is built to make sure all the nobles are watching the games comfortably. The biggest hit is obviously jousting, with the best knights in the country participating to gain their five minutes of glory and a handshake from the Kings. Along with a prize of course.

It's the first proper tournament Harry's been to because when he was young, his family wasn't very welcome at the royal court, naturally, since they were at war with each other. So he's seen jousting and competitive riding and all of it, but never at this scale. And truth be told, the tournament is grand, there are people everywhere, their voices carrying through the distance for miles nearly. Music can be heard in every single place in and around the castle and there's so much wine and food the tables are heaving with it.

After a quick breakfast in their chambers, Harry and Zayn are ushered out to officially start off the games. The fanfares sound off and the games may begin. They watch all of it from their neat spot on the tribune, sitting in comfortable thrones unlike all the other people around on basic wood. By midday, Harry's a bit tipsy because his wine goblet keeps somehow magically refilling itself and also doesn't seem to leave his hand.

"Love," Harry asks Zayn sometime during a break between disciplines, in that rare moment when there's no one bothering them and asking for favours like noblemen tend to. "Shall we try jousting?"

Zayn looks at him with an amused look and sips his wine. "You're drunk. You would fall on your arse the second you sat on a horse."

"No, I would not," Harry scoffs. "I am perfectly sober."

As to prove his point, Harry stands up to show off how not drunk he is. The second he gets to his feet, his head starts spinning and he falls back on the throne with a huff, thankful he didn't end up plastering in the mud on his face in front of all the important people in England.

"Alright, I am drunk," Harry mutters defeatedly. "But the next time there's a tournament, I want to joust one of these pompous cocky knights."

"Haz, that would be extremely rude," Zayn says, an amused smile on his lips. Harry doesn't know what's so funny.


"Because this tournament is to let these men show off and get a few gold coins. And for everyone to get spectacularly drunk and spread praise about us for organising this amazing event for them. You, as a King, can only participate if a champion challenges you."

Harry rolls his eyes and continues drinking. "I forgot about these stupid rules."

He feels Zayn's hand on his then and he turns his head to look at his husband. "What is it?"

"Nothing," Zayn smiles a little. "You're adorable when you act like a petulant toddler."

Harry tries to huff out a laugh even though he's mildly offended. Maybe. He still doesn't move his hand.

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