Part I - Epilogue

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1489 - Windsor, England

Peace brings prosperity to a country. To the lives of its people. From peasants to Kings, living in a peaceful country is better for everyone. The country grows intellectually, economically, historically. Periods of peace might not be the best-known eras of history but they are the times people sought after during the times of war and misery.

A year since the last time England had to unsheath their swords and face the enemy also marks Philippa's first birthday. One year of peace is not something to be celebrated in a Kingdom but the court is surely going to celebrate the first birthday of the Princess of England. She is the heir to the throne as of now and also the hope for the longevity of peace in the Kingdom.

It's already warm enough in March to have the celebrations outside in the gardens where it won't get stuffy and more people can join than in the ballroom. Philippa already knows how to walk and does she love running around.

Harry watches her play with a few other children in attendance, her and their nannies looking over them and picking them up when they all inevitably fall while running with their chubby toddler legs. She's such a happy child, always smiling and laughing, making everyone's day better with just her presence. Unlike some other children at court who constantly hide behind their parents' legs, Philippa is fearless and isn't afraid to talk to everyone in her gibberish baby-talk. She's healthy, smart and growing into a wonderful little human being.

Philippa suddenly grabs her diadem and throws it off her head on the ground and starts running over the grass to Harry, who's relieved because now he can stop pretending like he was actively participating in the conversation about Lord Winchester's castle renovations. Harry picks her up the moment she's close enough of to and Philippa excitedly calls out "dada" a few times because 'father' is too difficult of a word for a one-year-old to pronounce.

"Hello, sweetheart," Harry coos and kisses his daughter. "Did you miss me, love? You came to find me?"

Philippa once again talks some baby gibberish and squeals. She then smacks Harry on the face but it's all with love, of course.

Harry excuses himself from the group of people and embarks on a journey through a sea of guests to find Zayn. The last time he saw him he was talking to someone who's visiting here from Sweden. One of the absolute worst thing about being a King is having to talk to all kinds of people and not being able to just leave at any time. But now Harry's got Philippa, who suddenly seems so tired once she isn't running around, and he's going to find Zayn and leave. The sun is going to start setting soon and with that, the evening chill will drive people inside of the castle and either way, it's Philippa's bedtime soon. Before that, Harry wants to enjoy some time alone with his daughter and his husband.

He eventually finds Zayn hidden behind a tree, sitting at a small table with Raphael and Frederick.

"Well, hello there," Harry says once he gets closer to them. "Did you gentlemen steal my husband?"

Zayn notices them then and smiles, standing up and coming to Harry to kiss him shortly.

"Our little princess is asleep on your shoulder," Zayn says. "Hello, love."

"We did not steal him," Raphael quips. "We were talking about politics."

Harry ignores Raphael to twist his head and look at Philippa, who truly is sleeping with her head pillowed on Harry's shoulder. She looks so peaceful with her long eyelashes casting a shadow on her cheeks, just like Zayn's do when his eyes are closed.

"Oh, I did not even notice," Harry says. "She must have been tired after running for so long. And you two, did I not tell you to stop talking about politics at my daughter's birthday celebration? Does no one in this entire Kingdom listen to me?"

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